New Journals November 2022

Heinonline’s Law Journal Library continues to expand with these new legal journal titles. For access to these and to see the full list of titles available in the Law Journal Library, visit our online Library Resources.

For even more titles keep scrolling for a list of newly updated journals available by request for Law Society Members.


  • European Law Open (ELO) Vol. 1#1-3 (2022) Published by Cambridge University Press
  • Journal of Policy & Governance (JGP) Vols. 1-2#1 (2021-2022) Published by The Grassroots Institute
  • Law Review Vols. 1-12#1 (2011-2022) Published by Universul Juridic Publishing House
  • Legalities: The Journal of Law and Society in Australia and New Zealand Vols. 1-2#1 (2021-2022) Published by Edinburgh University Press for Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand (LSAANZ)
  • Loyola University Chicago Journal of Regulatory Compliance (JRC) Vols. 1-8 (2016-2022)
  • Published by Loyola University Chicago School of Law
  • Yearbook of the Law Faculty in Sarajevo (Godisnjak Pravnog Fakulteta u Sarajevu) Vols. 1-64 (1953-2021) Published by University in Sarajevo, Faculty of Law

New issues of popular journals are out now. For a copy of any of these articles, following fair use rules, email us at for a pdf copy. Click on the journal title to see the full article titles.

Canadian Journal of Family Law

  • “The Influence of Landmark Judgments and Statutory Changes on the Family Litigation Explosion: A Citation Network Analysis” 34 Can. J. Fam. L. 141 Joseph Hickey, Lyndsay Campbell, Jörn Davidsen
  • “The Children Parliament Left Behind: Examining the Inequity of Funding in An Act Respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis Children, Youth and Families” 34 Can. J. Fam. L. 45 Rachel Garrett
  • “(Mis)Recognition of Customary Marriages: A Comparative Analysis of Canadian and South African Family Law” 34 Can. J. Fam. L. 67 Corbin William Golding
  • “Psychological Abuse Claims in Family Law Courts in BC: Legal Applications and Gaps” 34 Can. J. Fam. L. 1 Haya Sakakini
  • “A Gender-Based Approach to Historical Child Support: Comment on Colucci v Colucci” 34 Can. J. Fam. L. 209 Jodi Lazare , Kelsey Warr
  • “Children’s Place and Voice in Quebec’s Child Protection Proceedings” 4 Can. J. Fam. L. 119 Mona Paré , Émilie De Bellefeuille
  • “La Fragilisation du Lien de Confiance au Sein de L’intervention Sociale en Protection de la Jeunesse: Peut-on Blâmer le Droit?” 34 Can. J. Fam. L. 79 Marilyn Coupienne
  • “La Réception Au Québec Des Gestations Pour Autrui Délocalisées: La Filiation Post-Tourisme Procréatif En Mal D’institution” 34 Can. J. Fam. L. 1 Harith Al-Dabbagh

National Journal of Constitutional Law

  • “The Charter’s Federal Spine: Why Are Certain Charter Rights Immune from the Notwithstanding Clause?” 43 Nat’l J. Const. L. 169 Marion Sandilands, Danielle Bennett
  • “Challenging Ontario’s Residential Tenancies Act: Migrant Farmworkers’ Health & the Right to Equality” 43 Nat’l J. Const. L. 131 Samuel Mazzuca
  • “The Cost of Inequality: A Commentary on the Most Recent Decision from the Federal Court in Canada’s Legal Battle Against First Nations Children” 43 Nat’l J. Const. L. 115 Véronique Bureau Mortimer, Widad Damou, Sarah-Claude L’Ecuyer, Laurie St-Pierre
  • “Les Droits Des Enfants Valent le Coût: Un Commentaire Sur la Plus Récente Décision de la Cour Fédérale Dans la Bataille Juridique du Canada Contre les Enfants Des Premières Nations” 43 Nat’l J. Const. L. 123 Véronique Bureau Mortimer, Widad Damou, Sarah-Claude L’Ecuyer, Laurie St-Pierre

Intellectual Property Journal

  • “Reflections on Thesis Writing” 35 I.P.J. 1 David Vaver
  • “Decoding DaVinci: A Novel Approach to Accountability and Liability for Medical Devices Operated through Artificial Intelligence Based on “AI Work Made for Hire” Model” 35 I.P.J. 37 Shlomit Yanisky-Ravid, Jonathan Fenster
  • “The 14th Annual Sir Hugh Laddie Lecture Mr. Justice Laddie and His Intellectual Property Cases: Of Millefeuilles and a Fish Called Elvis” 35 I.P.J. 7 David Vaver
  • “Bill C-27, Proposed Amendments to Canada’s Federal Privacy Legislation Affecting Private Sector Organizations” 35 I.P.J. 71 Jennifer R. Davidson, Richard Austin, Anna Troshchynsky, Victoria Di Felice

Canada-United States Law journal

  • “Lunchtime Awards Ceremony”  46 Can.-U.S. L.J. 64 Honoring Mary Lynn Becker, Roy Norton
  • “Speaker Biographies” 46 Can.-U.S. L.J. 2
  • “Welcome And Opening Of The 45th CUSLI Annual Conference”  46 Can.-U.S. L.J. 12 Stephen J. Petras, Jr., Michael Scharf, Erika Chamberlain
  • “Canadian Distinguished Lecture” 46 Can.-U.S. L.J. 53 The Hon. Peter MacKay
  • “The Protection Of Environmental Law Under Nafta And Cusma: A Canadian Perspective” 46 Can.-U.S. L.J. 239 George Moshenski-Dubov
  • “United States Distinguished Lecture” 46 Can.-U.S. L.J. 67 James Dehart
  • “Tensions And Opportunity In Arctic Development And Stewardship”  46 Can.-U.S. L.J. 77 Jonathan Adler, Charles Doran, Rosemary McCarney, Martha Hall Findlay, Hugh Short
  • “14 Annual Canada-United States Law Institute Distinguished Lecture – American Backlash, Canadian Compromise: Are Canadians And Americans Converging Or Diverging?” 46 Can.-U.S. L.J. 119 Mr. Michael Adams, C.M.
  • “Google V Oracle: A Comment And A Call To Action” 46 Can.-U.S. L.J. 272 Justine Pileggi
  • “Indigenous Leadership On Climate Change And The Arctic” 46 Can.-U.S. L.J. 98 Wayne D. Garnons-Williams, Dalee Sambo Dorough, Heather Exner-Pirot, Kitty Gordon
  • “The Role Of The Law In Native Sovereignty: A Comparison Of Canadian And American Approaches To Sovereignty” 46 Can.-U.S. L.J. 253 Clare J. Soria
  • “The Arctic As Emerging Geopolitical Flashpoint” 46 Can.-U.S. L.J. 32 Robert Huebert, Michael Byers, Martin La Cour-Andersen, Rebecca Pincus, Jonathan Quinn
  • “Climate Change’s Profound Disruption Of The Arctic” 46 Can.-U.S. L.J. 16 Mike Sfagra, Hajo Eicken, Marcel Babin
  • “The View From The Border: A Comparative Analysis Of Securities Regulations For Cryptocurrencies In The United States And Canada” 46 Can.-U.S. L.J. 167 Rose Lewis “China’s Bri On The Polar Silk Road: Evolving Labor Agenda In The Arctic” 46 Can.-U.S. L.J. 138 Ronald C. Brown

McGill Law Journal

  • “Litigating Cross-Border Aboriginal Title Claims in Canada: The Possibility (and Necessity) of a Federal Legislative Response to Newfoundland and Labrador (Attorney General) v. Uashaunnuat (Innu of Uashat and of Mani-Utenam)” 67 McGill L.J. 207 Étienne Cossette-Lefebvre
  • “De la Fiducie de Données en Droit Civil Québécois: Étude Exploratoire Pour un Outil en Construction” 67 McGill L.J. 119 Anne-Sophie Hulin “Legal Pluralism and Analytical Jurisprudence: An Inapposite Contrast” 67 McGill L.J. 157 Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
  • “Legal Pluralism and Analytical Jurisprudence: An Inapposite Contrast” 67 McGill L.J. 157 Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora
If you are looking for articles from other journals, library staff has access to the following titles.
  • African Journal of Legal Studies
  • Banking and Finance Law Review
  • Canadian Business Law Journal
  • Canadian Criminal Law Review
  • Canadian Family Law Quarterly
  • Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practice
  • Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence
  • Canadian Journal of Law and Society
  • Canadian Journal of Law and Technology
  • Copyright & New Media Law (f/k/a/ Copyright & New Media Law Newsletter)
  • Criminal Law Quarterly
  • Education and Law Journal
  • Estates Trusts & Pensions Journal
  • For the Defence; Newsletter of the Criminal Lawyers Association (Ont.)
  • Health Law Journal (Canada)
  • Health Law Review
  • HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review
  • Indigenous Law Journal
  • Insolvency Institute of Canada Articles
  • Intellectual Property Journal
  • Journal of Business Valuation
  • Journal of Environmental Law and Practice
  • Journal of International Law and International Relations
  • Journal of Law & Equality
  • Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law
  • Journal of the Canadian College of Construction Lawyers
  • National Journal of Constitutional Law
  • Resources: The Newsletter of the Canadian Institute of Resources Law| 
  • Revue de la common law en français
  • Revue VIH/sida, droit et politiques| 
  • The Advocates’ Journal (f/k/a The Advocates’ Society Journal)| 
  • The Advocates’ Quarterly
  • University of British Columbia Law Review| 
  • University of Ottawa Law & Technology Journal
  • University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review
  • University of Toronto Law Journal
  • Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues

Holiday Closure

The library will be closed from December 26, 2022 to January 2, 2023. We will return to our regular office hours on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.

Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season!

Manitoba Law Library team

New from the Court of Appeal

December 14, 2022 – Re:  Further Evidence Rule “As of January 1, 2023, amendments to Rule 21 of the Court of Appeal Rules, which governs motions to introduce further evidence on appeals, will be proclaimed into force.  

The amendments to the Rules will provide a more structured procedure for bringing new evidence motions. They will also address challenges parties face when the entirety of an appeal relies on the introduction of further evidence or when allegations of ineffective assistance of counsel are raised as a ground of appeal, which frequently involve motions to introduce further evidence. 

Manitoba Regulation 141/2022

December 14, 2022 – Re:  Allegation Of Ineffective Assistance Of Counsel ” This practice direction replaces the January 15, 2016 practice direction.  It applies to any appeal where the appellant raises as a ground of appeal that their counsel was ineffective or otherwise contributed to a miscarriage of justice in first instance.

In such cases, the appellant will often want to provide the Court with information concerning instructions to and conduct of counsel. This information will typically come before the Court by way of a motion for leave to file fresh evidence. Any response to such evidence will usually come from counsel in first instance or cross-examination of affidavit evidence by the responding party. The Court may also need to consider opposing affidavits from the respondent which the appellant may wish to cross-examine on. “

All Court of Appeal Notices and Practice Directions can be found on the Manitoba Courts website.

Legislative Update: Adjourned for Holiday Season

Government News Releases

Recent Bill Activity

The House adjourned on December 1, 2022. The 5th Session of the 42nd Legislature will reconvene on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 1:30 p.m.


Government Bills

Private Members’ Bills


Government Bills

Public Bills

  • Bill 213 The Animal Care Amendment Act – ” This Bill amends The Animal Care Act to prohibit leaving a companion animal, such as a dog, in an unattended vehicle if the temperature in the vehicle is dangerously hot or cold for the animal. If the exterior temperature is more than 22 degrees C or less than -10 degrees C, it is presumed that the temperature inside the vehicle is dangerous for the animal. An officer is authorized to use force to enter a locked vehicle to remove an animal if they use the minimum necessary force, report the entry to an animal protection officer and remain with the animal until an animal protection officer arrives on the scene or provides instructions.” SM 2022, c. 54

See here for the current status of all bills.

An Ode to New Contract Law Texts

New additions to our contracts collection this month include an updated edition of a popular title as well as a new text on construction contracts. After reading through these texts you may wish to take a break from contract interpretations and construction with this article on HeinOnline from the New York University Law Review that has a collection of poems based on notable Contract Law cases, including ones like this about the famous Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. case

Fair notice is normally due
When the bargained-for action is through.
With the marvelous ball,
There’s no notice at all,
‘Til its purchaser catches the flu.

Douglass G. Boshkoff, “Selected Poems on the Law of Contracts” (1991) 66:5 NYU L Rev 1533.

For even more literary legal lyrics you can visit openparliament’s Haiku page which has a random generator created from Hansard records that follow the traditional 5/7/5 syllables pattern of a haiku.

New Titles

Law of Contracts — 8th Edition, by Stephen Waddams

The Law of Contracts is an essential element of Canadian contract law and is frequently cited by Canadian courts at all levels. With seven previous editions spanning over 40 years, Stephen Waddams’ The Law of Contracts has earned an esteemed place in Canadian jurisprudence. The Supreme Court of Canada and lower courts consider it as an authority and regularly turn to it for its sound analysis of the principles underlying the law.

This book contains an appraisal of relevant Supreme Court of Canada cases decided since the last edition, including recent cases on intention, interpretation, good faith, and unconscionability.

The Canadian Construction Contracts Guidebook, by Elliot Smith

The Canadian Construction Contracts Guidebook is a must-have for any person who is involved in a construction project in Canada, whether they be owners, contractors, consultants, subcontractors, material suppliers, lawyers, or insurance and surety advisor. It addresses issues from the perspective of how best to establish the contractual arrangement, as opposed to addressing contract administration issues or trying to resolve a dispute after it has arisen on a construction project.

The book also provides helpful context and a guide to understanding many of the issues faced in negotiating a construction contract. It provides practical suggestions and alternatives to addressing contract issues as well as sample clauses in respect of the issues that frequently arise in the negotiation of a construction contract.

Other Contract Law texts

For more resources check out the rest of our collection with these authoratative texts.

Digital/Online Texts

vLex – available through the Member’s Portal

The Law of Contracts — 2nd ed., John McCamus

Please note: The library will be closing early on Friday, December 13th at 11:00AM for a special event.  Regular library service will resume Monday, December 16th at 8:30AM.