
Nov 24 - 25 2022


10:00 am - 3:30 pm

2022 Prosecution of Animal Abuse Conference

2022 Prosecution of Animal Abuse Conference

On November 24th and 25th, 2022, the National Centre for the Prosecution of Animal Cruelty (NCPAC), will host its eighth annual Prosecution of Animal Abuse Conference online.

Crown Prosecutors, attorneys and allied professionals from across the country are invited to learn from our session’s experts and share information and resources about animal cruelty and the Violence Link (the relationship between animal abuse and human abuse) in order to ensure that crimes against animals are prosecuted as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Some of the session speakers and highlights of this year’s conference include:

Sophie Gaillard, Acting Executive Director and Director of Animal Advocacy and Legal Affairs at the Montreal SPCA, who will share what was learned from the Saint-Édouard Zoo investigation, which resulted in the seizure of more than 200 animals ranging from lions, tigers, and zebras to bears, wolves, kangaroos and primates;

Co-Director of the Centre for Forensic Research and Forensic Entomologist Dr. Gail S. Anderson who will explain how insects can be used to estimate the elapsed time since the death of an animal as well as other factors about a crime scene in relation to wounds and whether a body has been disturbed;

Phil Bogdanoff, attorney and nationally recognized continuing legal education speaker, will return this year with Tiger King II, the highly anticipated sequel to last year’s presentation that will review the issues the “Tiger King” raised on appeal, the appellate court decision and resentencing, along with how wildlife offenses can be joined with non-wildlife offenses and a review of Season Two of Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness; and

Tips on navigating animal abuse files, working with law enforcement, better understanding of how animal enforcement is regulated in Canada, and more!

Attendees can expect to enjoy professional development opportunities while learning from industry experts and professionals during interactive presentations. Many sessions will be eligible for substantive credit hours toward the Continuing Professional Development requirement, which vary by provincial law societies.

Prosecutors and students who are currently articling in Crown/Prosecution offices, as well as Allied professionals, such as lawyers interested in prosecuting animal abuse-related crimes, all qualify for registration at $30 CAD (plus administrative fees). Registration is now available here: 2022 Prosecution of Animal Abuse Conference Tickets, Thu, 24 Nov 2022 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite

The Great Library will be closed from December 25, 2024 to January 1, 2025 for the winter holidays. Regular office hours will resume on Thursday, January 2, 2025.