Legislative Update – October 18, 2024


The Legislative Assembly of Manitoba

First Session, Forty-Third Legislature

Government Bills


  • Bill 39 The Long-Bladed Weapon Control Act/Loi sur la réglementation des armes à lame longue

Imposes restrictions and requirements on the sale of long-bladed weapons such as machetes.

  • Retailers must ensure that long-bladed weapons cannot be accessed without the assistance of staff.
  • Long-bladed weapons cannot be sold to anyone under the age of 18.
  • Every purchaser of a long-bladed weapon must produce photo identification to the retailer.
  • The retailer must record information about the purchaser and the long-bladed weapon purchased. These records must be retained by the retailer for at least two years.

2nd Reading

  • Bill 7 The Public Sector Construction Projects (Tendering) Repeal Act/Loi abrogeant la Loi sur les projets de construction dans le secteur public (appels d’offres)
  • Bill 9 The Employment Standards Code Amendment Act/Loi modifiant le Code des normes d’emploi
  • Bill 16 The Regulatory Accountability Reporting Act and Amendments to the Statutes and Regulations Act/Loi sur la remise de rapports relativement à la responsabilisation en matière de réglementation et modification de la Loi sur les textes législatifs et réglementaires
  • Bill 37 The Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2024/Loi d’exécution du budget de 2024 et modifiant diverses dispositions législatives en matière de fiscalité
  • Bill 38 An Act Respecting Child and Family Services (Indigenous Jurisdiction and Other Amendments)/Loi concernant les services à l’enfant et à la famille (champ de compétence autochtone et autres modifications)

Private Bills


  • Bill 221 The Earlier Screening for Breast Cancer Act/Loi sur l’abaissement du seuil d’admissibilité au dépistage systématique du cancer du sein

requires the minister to develop and implement a plan to lower the initial eligibility age for routine breast cancer screening services without a referral from 50 years to 40 years by no later than December 31, 2026.

The minister must report annually on the status of the plan, including the number of screening mammograms performed.

For the status of all current bills click here.


95/2024Preset Fines and Offence Descriptions Regulation, amendment4 October 20244 October 2024
96/2024Apprenticeship and Certification — General Regulation, amendment4 October 20244 October 2024
97/2024Trade of Esthetician Regulation, amendment4 October 20244 October 2024
98/2024Trade of Hairstylist Regulation, amendment4 October 20244 October 2024
99/2024Voluntary Trades Repeal Regulation8 October 20248 October 2024
100/2024Foster Parent Appeals Regulation, amendment10 October 202410 October 2024
101/2024Midwifery Regulation, amendment11 October 202411 October 2024
102/2024AgriInsurance Regulation11 October 202411 October 2024
103/2024Biodiesel Mandate For Diesel Fuel Regulation, amendment11 October 202411 October 2024
104/2024Ethanol General Regulation, amendment11 October 202411 October 2024
Manitoba Regulations

Looseleaf Updates – September

Widdifield on Executors and Trustees – Carmen S. Thériault
Release #7 – September 2024

What’s New?

Amendments and updates to the commentary in Chapter 1 (Funeral); Chapter 2 (Assets); Chapter 4 (Expenses and Legal Costs); Chapter 5 (Bequests and Beneficiaries); Chapter 11 (Executor’s Compensation); Chapter 14 (Passing Accounts); Chapter 15 (Resignation, Removal and Appointment of Trustees); and Words and Phrases.

The Regulation of Professions in Canada – James T. Casey
Release #7 – September 2024

What’s New?

Updates to case histories for cases in the appendices to chapters 13 and 17. it also updates Words and Phrases, Selected Legal Literature and Issues in Focus.

Lawyers & Ethics: Professional Responsibility and Discipline – Gavin MacKenzie
Release #3 – September 2024

What’s New?

Updates to case histories for case law and commentary in Chapters 3 (Confidentiality), 5 (Conflicts of Interest in Litigation), 23 (Admission to the Bar), 25 (Rules of Professional Conduct) and 26 (Discipline Proceedings).

Please note: The library will be closed on Monday, October 14th, 2024.  Regular library service will resume Tuesday, October 15th at 8:30AM.