Creating a Culture of Consent in the Workplace
CLEA will be joined by the Sexuality Education Resource Centre (SERC), the Manitoba Federation of Labour Occupational Health Centre, and Klinic for a lunch-hour session about creating a culture of consent in the workplace.
Workplace sexual harassment is a harmful pattern of behaviour that negatively impacts individual staff as well as larger workplace units and teams.
During this introductory session, participants will identify and discuss the underlying issues that may lead to harmful workplace sexual harassment and develop a practical lens and understanding of what ‘Consent at Work’ can mean in and for your workplace.
Participants will also be introduced to practical skills for bystander intervention, how to better support staff who have disclosed experiences of workplace sexual harassment as well as information about how to navigate the local resource map of support available for Manitobans.
This session is an introduction to the half- and full-day Creating a Culture of Consent workshops offered by SERC, MFL OHC and Klinic.
This webinar is part of CLEA’s Annual Law Conference. The Webinars are free, but you must register. You may register for all the sessions, or for whichever sessions are of interest to you.
To register, click Here