
Oct 20 2021


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

How is the Canadian Class Actions Landscape Evolving? Part 2: Innovation in the class actions ecosystem

Paul Rand, Chief Investment Officer – Canada, Omni Bridgeway
Jessie Hoerman, Founder/CEO, Simply Convert
Anand Ablack, VP, Business Development, Legal, MedChart
Kevin McLaren, Partner, Hammerco Lawyers
Chair: Aaron Wenner, Founder + CEO, CiteRight

Canada’s class actions landscape is evolving rapidly. Drivers include the evolving impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and evolving changes to privacy laws; emerging changes related to the certification process in jurisdictions; the increasing importance of technology and evolving market dynamics for law firms and innovative approaches to funding class action lawsuits.

To map these shifts and their broader importance, the Canadian Legal Innovation Forum is producing a two-part webinar series focused on the Canadian class actions landscape.

Part Two: Innovation in class actions.

Drivers impacting the Canadian legal sector as a whole – such as technology, the rise of new players and finance – are also extending to the class actions space. Technology platforms are emerging harnessing the power of AI and machine learning providing powerful tools to help lawyers get an edge. New law firm entrants are emerging from shifting legal market dynamics. And litigation finance is changing how lawsuits get funded. On this panel, our speakers will focus on how technology, legal market dynamics and finance are all contributing to innovation in the class actions space.

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