Insolvency Law Section Annual CPD/Holiday Event
The Manitoba Bar Association (Insolvency Law Section) and the Manitoba Association of Insolvency and Restructuring will be hosting their annual Insolvency Holiday Event on December 2, 2021, 4:30pm – 6:00pm CST. The event will be virtual and will consist of three parts: (1) a discussion panel where current legal and practical topics will be discussed, such as Bill 51 (amendments to The Limitation of Action Act), current market trends in the trustee space and Court insights in light of the current COVID protocols; (2) virtual games; (3) meeting breakout rooms for networking.
Please RSVP (PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED) to the Manitoba Bar Association online at
If you are having troubles, please email
At approximately 9:30am on Thursday, December 2, 2021, an email will be sent from the MBA advising you of the link that you will click on to join the Zoom video conference meeting. So it will be important to register before 5:00pm on Wednesday, December 1, 2021.
Attendance at this MBA Section meeting can be applied towards your Law Society of Manitoba’s Continuing Professional Development requirement for a maximum of 1.5 hours.
Dr. Virginia Torrie
Chair, MBA Insolvency Law Section
University of Manitoba Faculty of Law
Ph: 204-474-6138