
Nov 09 2021


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Managing complexity in mergers & acquisitions

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, deal activity in Canada has been accelerating throughout 2021 with record volumes and deal sizes. This acceleration applies to domestic deals as well as international ones. However, due to external factors such as increased regulatory scrutiny, a shifting political landscape and a broader sectoral impact, navigating the cross border deals process is becoming more complex.

In order to get deals across the line in a complex operating environment having a robust review process is critical. On this 60 minute webinar – our expert speakers from law firms, corporate legal departments and an advisory firm – will outline how the cross border deal environment is evolving, review external drivers (i.e. regulation and political shifts) and best practices in navigating the review and completion process.

Key highlights in the webinar will include:
– Review of the key emerging regulatory rules in Canada and the US, the political context (i.e.emerging competition rules, government intervention in FDI), sectors at risk and their collective impact on cross border deals.
– The legal context. How deal terms are evolving in cross border deals and their impact on the review and completion process.
– How practitioners are designing and implementing strategies around managing evolving risks in specific phases of the M&A process. And how they are employing robust processes (i.e. review) to support these strategies.

Law Society of Ontario: This program contains 1 hour of Professionalism Content.
Law Society of BC: This program is accredited for 1 hour of CPD.

Click here to register.

The library will be closing at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11th.  Lawyers can ask Protective Services for access after hours.