New articles from these journals are now available for Law Society members upon request. For a pdf copy of these or other legal journal articles email us at

Provincial Judges Journal

  • Introduction: Establishing an Effective Process for Judicial Compensation
    44 Prov Judges J 16 Susan Dawes
  • Judicial Independence, Judicial Compensation and Responsible Government: Finding a more appropriate balance
    44 Prov Judges J 22 Dr. Paul G. Thomas
  • Recent Developments in Judicial Independence: Judicial compensation commissions
    44 Prov Judges J 62 Notes for Remarks of The Honourable Frank Iacobucci, C.C., Q.C.
  • It’s Not Just About Compensation: Some other thoughts on judicial independence
    44 Prov Judges J 90 Judge Mayland McKimm

McGill Journal of Law and Health (also available on

  • A Reflection on the Duty to Warn after Létourneau v JTI-MacDonald: A Future for Obesity Litigation in Canada?
    14 McGill J. L. & Health 89 Jacob J Shelley
  • Book Note: Deveault, Audrey & Michaël Lessard, dir, Mourir au 21 Siècle: Entre Corporalités et Technologies, Montréal, Québec, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2020
    15 McGill J. L. & Health 1 Jean-Frédéric Ménard
  • Homologation du Mandat de Protection en cas D’Inaptitude Partielle du Mandant: 10 ans Après LP c FH, où en Sommes-Nous Rendus?
    15 McGill J. L. & Health 5 Anne-Isabelle Cloutier

Canadian Journal of Law and Technology

  • Reframing Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence at the Intersections of Law & Society
    19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 209 Jane Bailey, Carys Craig, Suzie Dunn, Sonia Lawrence
  • Onlife Harms: Uber and Sexual Violence
    19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 277 Amanda Turnbull
  •  “I Bet You Don’t Get What We Get”: An Intersectional Analysis of Technology-Facilitated Violence Experienced by Racialized Women Anti-Violence Online Activists in Canada
    19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 217 Nasreen Rajani
  • Responding to Deficiencies in the Architecture of Privacy: Co-Regulation as the Path Forward for Data Protection on Social Networking Sites
    19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 411 Laurent Crépeau
  • Dignity, Intersectional Gendered Harm, and a Flexible Approach: Analysis of the Right to One’s Image in Quebec
    19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 307 Yuan Stevens
  • Mike Zajko, Telecom Tension: Internet Service Providers and Public Policy in Canada
    19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 505 Matt Malone
  • On the Internet, Nobody Knows You Are a Dog: Contested Authorship of Digital Evidence in Cases of Gender-Based Violence
    19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 371 Suzie Dunn, Moira Aikenhead
  • Bringing Section 8 Home: An Argument for Recognizing a Reasonable Expectation of Privacy in Metadata Collected from Smart Home Devices
    19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 457 Ana Qarri
  • Intimate Images and Authors’ Rights: Non-Consensual Disclosure and the Copyright Disconnect
    19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 333 Meghan Sali
  • “Don’t Take on the Responsibilty of Somebody Else’s Fu**ed up Behavior”: Responding to Online Abuse in the Context of Barriers to Support
    19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 249 Chandell Gosse
  • Artificial Intelligence in Canadian Healthcare: Will the Law Protect Us from Algorithmic Bias Resulting in Discrimination?
    19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 475 Bradley Henderson, Colleen M. Flood, Teresa Scassa

Manitoba Law Journal (also available on

Vol 44, no 5

  • Decades in Crisis: A Critical Analysis of the Underuse of Sections 81 and 84 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Its Role in the Systemic Neglect of Indigenous Rehabilitation and Reintegration
    44 Man. L.J. 96 Madison Parker
  • A Tale of Two Countries: Constitutionalizing the Mandatory Minimum Sentence
    44 Man. L.J. 149 Bryton M.P. Moen
  • Constitutionalizing Gladue Rights: Critical Perspectives and Prospective Paths Forward
    44 Man. L.J. 29 Hardie Rath-Wilson
  • Making an ‘ASH’ Out of Gladue: The Bowden Experiment
    44 Man. L.J. 1 Jane Dickson
  • Reconsidering Luxton in the Post-Nur Revolution: A Brief Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Recent Challenges to Mandatory Minimums and Other Sentencing Provisions
    44 Man. L.J. 124 Stacey M. Purser
  • The Devil’s Playground: A Case Study of Elgin-Middlesex Detention Centre (EMDC) Demonstrating the Systemic Failings of the Ontario Corrections Regime
    44 Man. L.J. 60 Nicole Kelly

Please note: The library will be closed on Monday, October 14th, 2024.  Regular library service will resume Tuesday, October 15th at 8:30AM.