This week in the library we’ve created a display around our most relevant immigration resources. Most of these are online resources that you can access in the library, or behind the Law Society Member’s Portal.
- Immigration Law and Practice by Lorne Waldman
- The 2017 Annotated Immigration and Refugee Protection Act of Canada by Henry M. Goslett
- Canada’s immigration and citizenship bulletin [Updated to 2016]
Online Resources
- Immigration Law, 2nd edition by David Galloway
- Refugee Law, 2nd edition by Martin Jones
- Halsburys Laws of Canada : Canada Immigration Digest
- LexisNexis Immigration Law Netletter
- If you would like to receive the bi-weekly netletter straight to your inbox, email the Great Library ( to be added to the distribution list.
If you’re looking to take out any of these books (48 hour loan period), or need help accessing these materials online, contact staff and we will be happy to help.