Need Westlaw? Just ask!

The Manitoba Law Library subscribes to Westlawnext Canada on the computers in the library only. Since the library is closed, that service is no longer available for our members. In partnership with Thomson Reuters, we have crafted a solution to allow individual members of the Law Society of Manitoba to register for a limited use license.

The details:

  1. Contact us at We will verify that you are a practising member registered with the Law Society of Manitoba, and email you a OnePass registration key to use for 12 hours only. You will have unlimited access to the products we subscribe to on your own device, which include CriminalSource, FamilySource, Estates&TrustsSource and a portion of Litigator including personal injury quantums.
  2. We can offer up to 10 registration keys per day so it will be first come, first served, and you will be cut off when your time is up.
  3. You can register again, but you will go to the end of the line.

Please pass this along to your colleagues who are not subscribers to Westlaw, so we can support as many of you as possible.

For more information on resources available through the Great Library please read this message from the law society.

New Journal Update

Estates, Trusts & Pensions Journal, Vol. 39, No. 2 has just been released.


From the Law Reports:

Baryla v. Baryla: The Presumption of Advancement in the Family Law Context – Lauren Blake and Caitlin MacDonnell

From the Legislatures:

Disclosure of Trust Information to Beneficiaries under New Zealand’s Trusts Act 2019 – Claudia Shan and Simon Barber


Saskatchewan Introduces New Intestate Succession Legislation – Amanda S.A. Doucette

Common Intentions: The Standard of Review for Standard Form Wills – Tom Collins

Cross-Border Planning for Canadian Registered Retirement Plans – Elise M. Pulver, David J. Byun, Ryan M. Murphy and Amy P. Walters

Practitioners Beware: Equitable Remedies are Limited (But the Door has Not Closed) – Rami Pandher and Channing Brown

Taping Wills Instructions – John E.S. Poyser and Krista Clendenning

Lawyers who are members of the Law Society of Manitoba may request a copy of these articles by emailing

Legislative Update

2nd session, 42nd legislature

New Bills

Government Bills

Bill 34: The Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 – This Bill implements various tax and other measures announced in the 2020 Manitoba Budget. Additional amendments implement and support the budget.

Bill 35: The Climate and Green Plan Implementation Act, 2020 – This Bill enacts a new Act and substantially amends four others to implement carbon pricing in Manitoba.

Bill 36: The Water Resources Administration Amendment Act – This Bill amends The Water Resources Administration Act to provide the government with increased powers to manage water control works and protect provincial water infrastructure.

Bill 37: The Reducing Red Tape and Improving Services Act, 2020 – This Bill amends several Acts and repeals five Acts to reduce or eliminate regulatory requirements or prohibitions, to streamline government operations and to eliminate committees.

Bill 38: The Consumer Protection Amendment Act – This Bill amends The Consumer Protection Act. The direct sale of furnaces, air conditioners, windows and other household systems and supplies is prohibited. Leases for household systems and supplies or for any product bought through a direct sale cannot be for an indefinite term.

Bill 39: The Horse Racing Regulatory Modernization Act (Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act and Pari-Mutuel Levy Act Amended) – This Bill amends The Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act to transfer responsibility for the regulation of all types of horse racing in Manitoba to the Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Authority of Manitoba (“the Authority”).

Bill 40: The Election Financing Amendment and Elections Amendment Act (Government Advertising) – Amendments are made to change the restrictions on government advertising set out in The Election Financing Act. Coordinated amendments are made to The Elections Act and The Election Financing Act to require that the restrictions on government advertising be in place for at least 32 days before a non-fixed date election is called.

Bill 41: The Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act – This Bill amends The Advanced Education Administration Act to enable the minister to issue guidelines concerning tuition fees and student fees charged by universities. For colleges, these fees may be set by regulation.

Bill 42: The University College of the North Amendment Act – This Bill enables the University College of the North to make by-laws about parking on property that is under the control of the college.

Bill 43: The Civil Service Superannuation Amendment Act – This Bill makes a number of changes to The Civil Service Superannuation Act.

Bill 44: The Public Utilities Ratepayer Protection and Regulatory Reform Act (Various Acts Amended) – This Bill amends various Acts. The governance and funding provisions for the Public Utilities Board (the “PUB”) are changed. A new legislative framework is established for the regulation of electricity rates, natural gas rates and basic auto insurance rates, as well as water and wastewater rates within the City of Winnipeg. Other adjustments are made to the PUB’s mandate.

Bill 45: The Public Health Amendment Act (Food Safety and Other Amendments) – This Bill amends The Public Health Act to deal with food safety by, establishing a duty to serve safe food; expanding powers to seize unsafe food; clarifying inspection powers related to food; and expanding regulation-making powers for starting and operating a food establishment.

 Bill 48: The Planning Amendment and City of Winnipeg Charter Amendment Act – This Bill amends The Planning Act and The City of Winnipeg Charter to provide for planning regions and to make local land use decisions subject to appeal to the Municipal Board.

Bill 49: The Building and Electrical Permitting Improvement Act (Various Acts Amended and Permit Dispute Resolution Act Enacted) – This Bill enacts a new Act and amends two other Acts. Schedule A enacts a new Act to resolve disputes related to building and electrical permits. Schedule B makes a number of changes to The Buildings and Mobile Homes Act. Schedule C makes two major changes to The Manitoba Hydro Act.

Bill 53: The Interim Appropriation Act, 2020

Check the Bill Status to follow the legislative process.

Law Society of Manitoba Updates re COVID-19

The Law Society has a dedicated webpage to news affecting the legal community. Please review it regularly to stay informed.

Manitoba Courts also has posted all their notices on one page. Be sure to check the date beside the title to ensure you are getting the most recent information.

We look forward to returning to the library. Until then, we will do our best with remote services. Please email us at for any of your legal research needs.

The library will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Louis Riel Day. Regular hours will resume Tuesday, February 18th at 8:30 a.m.