The Manitoba Law Library subscribes to Westlawnext Canada on the computers in the library only. Since the library is closed, that service is no longer available for our members. In partnership with Thomson Reuters, we have crafted a solution to allow individual members of the Law Society of Manitoba to register for a limited use license.

The details:

  1. Contact us at We will verify that you are a practising member registered with the Law Society of Manitoba, and email you a OnePass registration key to use for 12 hours only. You will have unlimited access to the products we subscribe to on your own device, which include CriminalSource, FamilySource, Estates&TrustsSource and a portion of Litigator including personal injury quantums.
  2. We can offer up to 10 registration keys per day so it will be first come, first served, and you will be cut off when your time is up.
  3. You can register again, but you will go to the end of the line.

Please pass this along to your colleagues who are not subscribers to Westlaw, so we can support as many of you as possible.

For more information on resources available through the Great Library please read this message from the law society.

The library will be closing at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11th.  Lawyers can ask Protective Services for access after hours.