The latest edition of Estates Trusts & Pensions Journal has arrived and is now available for loan.

The current issue, Volume 39 Number 4, August 2020 includes:


  • It has been Over 150 Years Since the First Partnership Act was Enacted. Do We Understand Yet The Nature of a Partnership Interest? The High Court of Australia Weighs in on the debate, by Joel Nitikman.
  • “Not a Case about a Mere Referral”: Reflections on Salomon v. Matte-Thompson, by Lauren Flam
  • Another Cautionary Tale for Executors: Case Comment on Muth Estate, by Rhonda M. Johnson
  • Equality, Equity, and Exclusion: The Effect of the Jackson Estate Decision on Common Law Partners, by Richard Niedermayer and Madeleine Coats


  • Digital Assets, Cryptocurrencies and Estate Planning, by Aaron Grinhaus, Amanda Rosenstock and Raluca Soica
  • Who Gets What, and When?, by Ari Kaplan
  • Section 58 – The “Curative” Provision of the Wills, Estates and Succession Act, by Scott Boucher

If you would like a copy of any of these articles, please email and we would be happy to provide a pdf version (subject to copyright regulations).

The library will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Louis Riel Day. Regular hours will resume Tuesday, February 18th at 8:30 a.m.