Labour Day and Employment Law Book Display

Monday September 7 is Labour Day in Canada, which is a day when we celebrate the achievement of workers’ rights.

In 1872, a printers’ strike fought for a nine hour work day, parading through the streets of Toronto demanding better hours. Soon it gained the attention of Sir John A. MacDonald who would introduce legislation that year that would legalize worker unions in the Trade Union Act. Support grew and soon lead to the declaration of a National Holiday by John Thompson on 23 July 1894.

Learn more about the origins of Labour day here.

The library has a number of resources on Labour and Employment Law in the library, as well as online:

In Print

  • Canadian labour arbitration, 4th ed. / Brown and Beatty
  • Remedies in labour, employment and human rights law
  • Canadian labour law, 2nd ed. / George W. Adams
  • The Annotated Canada Labour Code
  • Canadian Employment Law / Ball
  • Employment Law in Canada – 4th ed.
  • Employment Obligation & Confidential Information – 2nd ed.
  • Canadian labour and employment law journal
  • Employment and labour law reporter
  • Labour arbitration cases


  • Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal
  • International Labour Review


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