The latest issues of these journals are out and available for members. PDF copies of these articles are available upon request following copyright fair use guidelines. Contact us at for more information.

Education and Law Journal

  • Annual Review of Education Law 30 Educ. & L.J. 237

Manitoba Law Journal  (also available on

Vol 44, no 3

  • Preface & Issue Overview “Ultra Vires and Void:” an Executive Inquiry Takes on Manitoba’s Legislative Building Crisis (And Wins)
    44 Man. L.J. 185 Tom Mitchell
  • Triaging and Mediating to Meet the Needs of Families under the Family Dispute Resolution (Pilot Project) Act of Manitoba
    44 Man. L.J. 1 Stefanie Goldberg
  • Bad Law: Rethinking Justice for a Postcolonial Canada
    44 Man. L.J. 299 Justice Gerald Jewers
  • A Deposit in a Pre-Incorporation Transaction Is Still a Deposit: A Comment on Benedetto v 2453912 Ontario Inc
    44 Man. L.J. 225 Darcy L. MacPherson
  • High Time for Change: Combatting the Black Market for Cannabis in Canada
    44 Man. L.J. 257 Nick Noonan
  • Readability in the Canadian Tax System
    44 Man. L.J. 63 Colin Jackson
  • The Premier Should Not Also Be the Attorney General: Roncarelli v Duplessis Revisited as a Cautionary Tale in Legal Ethics and Professionalism
    44 Man. L.J. 155 Andrew Flavelle Martin
  • The Duty of Legislative Counsel as Guardians of the Statute Book: Sui Generis or a Professional Duty of Lawyers?
    44 Man. L.J. 116 Andrew Flavelle Martin

Vol 44, no 4

  • The Troubled History of the Defence of Duress and Excluded Offences: Could the Reasoned Use of Mitigation on Sentencing Prevent Duress from (Further) Becoming Archaic, Gendered, and Completely Inaccessible?
    44 Man. L.J. 33 Frances E. Chapman, Georgette M. Lemieux
  • Fitness to Stand Trial and Dementia: Considering Changes to Assessment to Meet Demographic Need
    44 Man. L.J. 177 Shauna Sawich, Hygiea Casiano
  • Fundamentally Flawed: The Arbitrariness of the Corporal Punishment Defence
    44 Man. L.J. 87 Mark Carter
  • The Availability of the Common Law Defence of Duress to Principals Charged with Murder: An Analysis of the Conflicting Appellate Decisions in R v Willis (TAW) and R v Aravena
    44 Man. L.J. 136 Robert H. Tanha
  • The Constitutionality of Excluding Duress as a Defence to Murder
    44 Man. L.J. 111 Colton Fehr
  • The Slow Death of the Reasonable Steps Requirement for the Mistake of Age Defence
    44 Man. L.J. 1 Isabel Grant
  • Year in Review
    44 Man. L.J. 208 David Ireland

Vol 44, no 6

  • Shattered: The Historic and Continued Breaching of Indigenous Persons Right to Reasonable and Timely Bail
    44 Man. L.J. 170 Sean Gallop
  • Blurred Lines: A Critical Examination of the Use of Police Officers and Police Employees as Expert Witnesses in Criminal Trials
    44 Man. L.J. 48 Brandon Trask, Evan Podaima
  • Algorithmic Policing Technologies in Canada
    44 Man. L.J. 246 Shawn Singh
  • Predictive Policing and the Charter
    44 Man. L.J. 224 Kaitlyn Hiller
  • California Wrongful Incarceration Compensation Law: A History That Is Still Being Written
    44 Man. L.J. 194 Kelly Shea Delvac
  • Talking to Strangers: A Critical Analysis of the Supreme Court of Canada’s Decision in R v Mills
    44 Man. L.J. 108 Chelsey Buggie
  • Detained on Sight: The Socioeconomic Aspect of Social Context in R v Le
    44 Man. L.J. 138 Lewis Waring
  • Pungent Sound: Analyzing the Criminal Enforcement of Environmental Law in the Pacific Northwest
    44 Man. L.J. 76 Joshua Ozymy, Melissa Jarrell Ozymy
  • Wrongful Extradition: Reforming the Committal Phase of Canada’s Extradition Law
    44 Man. L.J. 1 Robert J. Currie