Did you know that Lexbox, the free online legal workspace, allows users to set up amendment alerts on CanLII to receive notification that a piece of legislation has changed?
All you need is a free Lexbox account and then sign up for amendment alerts by selecting a piece of legislation on CanLII. Click on the “Set up amendment alert” button and save it to a folder in your Lexbox workspace.

Lexbox will track amendments to the Act and notify you when there are updates. You can receive daily or weekly email alerts, or when you sign in to the Lexbox platform.
Lexbox will even tell you the estimated number of alerts you can expect. For example, 3 alerts per year are expected for The Public Schools Act.
Using amendment alerts with Lexbox is a great way to stay on top of changes to key statutes and regulations for your practice.
Find out more about Lexbox here.