HeinOnline has added new journal titles to their flagship journal database, the Law Journal Library. We’ve evaluated these new titles and are highlighting the ones we think you’ll be most interested in. All of these journals are available to our members on HeinOnline behind the Law Society Member Portal.

Amicus Curiae

The official journal of the Society for Advanced Legal Studies and the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies. Its mandate is to promote communication and cooperation within the legal community, and covers UK, European, Foreign, International and Comparative Law. This includes Canadian coverage, for example:

  • Corporate Liability for Breaches of Fundamental Human Rights in Canadian Law: Nevsun Resources Limited v Araya
    Amicus CURIAE 505 (2020) Peter Muchlinski
Criminal Justice Studies

A quarterly journal that publishes theoretical, empirical and interpretive studies of crime and criminal justice. The journal focuses on critical assessments of criminal justice policy and practices, with an emphasis on social science methodologies. Published in the US with an international scope, the journal includes Canadian content, for example:

  • Correctional Outcomes of Offenders with Mental Disorders
    27 CRIM. Just. Stud. 63 (2014) Lynn A. Stewart & Geoff Wilton
Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees

A Canadian non-profit, open-access journal that publishes articles from academics, policy-makers, and practitioners in the field of forced migration. The journal offers a mix of social science and legal articles, for example:

  • Not Just the Luck of the Draw? Exploring Competency of Counsel and Other Qualitative Factors in Federal Court Refugee Leave Determinations (2005-2010)
    37 REFUGE 61 (2021) Jamie Liew , Pia Zambelli, Pierre-Andre Theriault & Maureen Silcoff
Research in Law and Economics

This journal covers the intersection of law and economics, providing a mix of legal analysis, policy research, and social science articles. Although largely American in scope, there is some Canadian coverage as well, including:

  • An Economic Justification for a Private Standard in Merger Policy: The Merger of Superior Propane and ICG Propane
    21 Rsch. in L. & ECON. 409 (2004) Richard O. Zerbe Jr. & Sunny Knott
Tocqueville Review

A social science journal in the spirit of Alexis de Tocqueville, with an emphasis on the comparative study of social change. American and French in scope, with articles in English and French. The journal does offer some Canadian coverage with a legal focus, for example:

  • Research Ethics as Social Policy: Some Lessons from Experiences in Canada and the United States
    24 Tocqueville Rev. 61 (2003) Michael McDonald & Eric M. Meslin

To access these titles and more, please visit HeinOnline behind the Law Society Member Portal.

The library will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Louis Riel Day. Regular hours will resume Tuesday, February 18th at 8:30 a.m.