The newest issues of popular legal journals, as well as new journal titles, are now out and available. Law Society Members can access HeinOnline journals through the Member’s Portal or request pdf copies of our other digital journals by contacting the library. See below for more details.
New Journals Added to HeinOnline (click to expand)
- Arizona Law Journal of Emerging Technologies
- Biotechnology Law Report
- Comparative Constitutional Law and Administrative Law Journal
- Corporate Mediation Journal
- Dicle University Journal of Law Faculty
- Digital Law Journal
- East European Yearbook on Human Rights
- Election Law Journal
- European Convention on Human Rights Law Review
- European Review of International Studies
- Gaming Law Review
- Indian Review of International Arbitration
- Italian Review of International and Comparative Law
- Law and Social Justice Review
- Legal Spectrum Journal
- Legislative Information Bulletin
- Opole Studies in Administration and Law / Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne
- Revista Iberoamericana de la Propiedad Intelectual
- Revista Juridica Austral
- Yale Journal of International Law Online
Not only does HeinOnline have a large collection of legal journals, but we are also subscribed to the Canadian Core package of HeinOnline which includes Federal and Provincial Annual and Revised Statutes going back to 1868 and 1871 respectively, as well as English Reports, Legal Classics, Legal Dictionaries, and more. Take a look at HeinOnline if you haven’t before to explore what else this resource has to offer.
Other Digital Journals
We are also able to provide pdf copies of journal articles found on Westlaw and Quicklaw for Law Society Members. Email us at library@lawsociety.mb.ca for a copy of any of the following articles or, if you are looking for information on a specific issue, let us know and we can look for relevant articles and commentary.
Click on the journal title for the current issue’s content.
Canadian Family Law Quarterly
- Parenting Coordination as a Judicial Tool: Achieving Access to Justice for Children 41 C.F.L.Q. 391 Joanna Radbord; Rachel Birnbaum
- Rich Parents, Poor Kids — Unwrapping Parental Gifts: A Review of the Case Law Regarding Gifts/Loans and their Impact on Property and Support 41 C.F.L.Q. 261 Stephen Codas; Sarah Strathopolous; Scot D.E. Menzies; Jessica A. MacDonald
- Child Support for Adult Children 41 C.F.L.Q. 315 Maxine M. Kerr
Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practice
- The Tribunal Design Issue–An Overview or How to Fix My A2J Problem 36 Can. J. Admin. L. & Prac. 1 Paul Aterman
- Five Steps to User-Centred Tribunal Design 36 Can. J. Admin. L. & Prac. 5 Emily Farrimond, Paul Aterman
- Active-Sensemaking: How Do I Find Out What Users and Stakeholders Really Think about My Tribunal’s Services? 36 Can. J. Admin. L. & Prac. 19 Emily C. Drown
- Future Directions in Standard of Review in Canadian Administrative Law: Substantive Review and Procedural Fairness 36 Can. J. Admin. L. & Prac. 69 Paul Daly
- How Do I Implement Proportionate Adjudicative Systems to Manage and Resolve Cases? 36 Can. J. Admin. L. & Prac. 39 Michelle A. Alton
- Fostering and Measuring Adjudicative Quality in Tribunals 36 Can. J. Admin. L. & Prac. 57 Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
Canadian Journal of Law and Technology
- Cryptocurrencies and Climate Change: A Net-Zero Paradox 20 Can. J. L. & Tech. 129 Jason MacLean
- Crowdsourcing Justice 20 Can. J. L. & Tech. 153 Matthew Dylag
- Regulating Uncertain States: A Risk-Based Policy Agenda for Quantum Technologies 20 Can. J. L. & Tech. 179 Tina Dekker, Florian Martin-Bariteau
- Reframing Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence at the Intersections of Law & Society 19 Can. J. L. & Tech. 209 Jane Bailey, Carys Craig, Suzie Dunn, Sonia Lawrence
- From Cartier to Codification: Website-Blocking Injunctions and Third-Party Internet Service Provider Respondents 20 Can. J. L. & Tech. 225 Dan Mackwood
- Comment: The United Nations and Robot Rights 20 Can. J. L. & Tech. 257 Heather Alexander
Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law
- Parliamentary Scrutiny and Judicial Review of Executive Legislation–Is It Working in Canada? 17 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 191 John Mark Keyes
- The Testing of Democratic Resolve 17 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 1 Gregory Tardi, DJur
- Including Emerging Litigation Comprenant les Litiges en Voie de Développement 17 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 233 Gregory Tardi
- Disruption and Routine: Choosing a Speaker in the United States Compared to Canada 17 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 7 Robert W. Speel , Gregory J. Inwood
- Federalism Review in Parliament: Scrutiny Mechanisms Described 17 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 139 Charlie Feldman
- The Dialogue within: Deference and Self-Assertion in the Supreme Court of Canada in the Charter Era 17 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 85 Professor Thomas M.J. Bateman
- We Need More Social Accountability Regarding Voting; a Call to Arms for Electoral Participation 17 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 187 Gabriel Chemla , Natalia Tovilla-Bátiz
- The Kiribati Constitutional Crisis Escalates: Rule of Law and Judicial Independence at Risk 17 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 227 Gavin Murphy
- The Ever-Expanding House of Commons and the Decennial Debate over Representation by Population 17 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 101 J.W.J. Bowden
- Upholding Refugee Rights in Times of Crisis: Canada’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Crisis in Afghanistan & the War in Ukraine 17 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 11 Arghavan Gerami , Raoul David Wieland
- Trudeau’s Eleven: The SNC-Lavalin Affair as a Demonstration of Techniques and Approaches of Behind the Scenes Political Persuasion 17 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 41 Professor John Soroski
- Service Centres, Doing a Disservice: Bill 40 and the Precarity of English-Language Education Rights in Quebec 17 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 157 Anthony Portulese
- Book Reviews
- Review of: Enemies of the People?: How Judges Shape Society by Joshua Rozenberg (Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2020) 17 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 265 Gregory TardiReview of: Constitutional Pariah: Reference Re Senate Reform and the Future of Parliament by Emmett Macfarlane (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2021) 17 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 255 Aniz Alani
- Review of: Illiberal Constitutionalism in Poland and Hungary the Deterioration of Democracy, Misuse of Human Rights and Abuse of the Rule of Law by Professor Timea Drinoczi and Professor Agnieszka Bien-Kacala (London: Routledge Publishers, 2021) 17 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 261 Gavin Murphy
University of Toronto Law Journal
- The Reinvention of Canadian Tort Law, 1945-95: Jordan House as Case Study 73 U. Toronto L.J. 133 Rande Kostal, Erika Chamberlain
- Rethinking the Division of Tax Room and Revenue in Fiscal Federalism l 73 U. Toronto L.J. 174 Rory Gillis
- Frontiers of Legality: Understanding the Public Policy Exception in Choice of Law l 73 U. Toronto L.J. 216 Joanna Langille
- Book Reviews
- Martin Loughlin, Against Constitutionalism (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2022) l 73 U. Toronto L.J. 255 Roberto Gargarella, Senior Researcher, National Research Center (CONICET), Argentina