October 20, 2023 – Regional Adult Pre-Trial Coordination Protocol (The Pas) – the Provincial Court of Manitoba is implementing a regional protocol for pre-trial coordination that will apply in the regional judicial centers of Brandon, Dauphin, Portage la Prairie, and The Pas. The regional protocol is effective November 10, 2023 in the judicial center of The Pas.
With the advent of social media and online communication, libraries have lost some of their status as a community hub. Whereas the Great Library used to be a place to bump into colleagues while looking up a case or brushing up on an obscure point of law, it has now transitioned to a virtual setting with one-on-one interaction with a librarian.
While the venue may have changed, libraries are still an important hub of information and connection. They’re also one of the few remaining places where a physical space to work is free and welcoming. Use our location to work undisturbed, plan before your trial starts, or even relax and practice some mindfulness.
We’ve curated some articles from our online sources to provide more information and guidance on well-being in all stages of your career.
Available behind the Member Portal or click for a pdf copy.
The Manitoba Law Library would like to acknowledge with gratitude that we are situated on Treaty One Territory, the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree and Dakota peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.
Printing and Photocopying
If you need to use the library’s printing and photocopying services you will need to create an account. See us at the front desk for assistance.