We are able to provide pdf copies of journal articles from Westlaw and Quicklaw for members of the Law Society of Manitoba. Email us at library@lawsociety.mb.ca for a copy of any of the following articles. If you are looking for information on a specific issue, let us know and we can look for relevant articles and commentary.

Click on the journal title for the current issue’s content.

Canadian Criminal Law Review

  • Are Limits on Granting Credit for Time Served on Remand Constitutional?” 27 Can. Crim. L. Rev. 129 Colton Fehr
  • Surreptitious Recordings by Civilians in Criminal Trials: Challenging Their Admissibility at Common Law and under the Charter” 27 Can. Crim. L. Rev. 113 Robert Diab
  • Forty Years of the Charter: What We Still Don’t Know” 27 Can. Crim. L. Rev. 149 Steve Coughlan
  • L’Effet Friesen: Vers une Plus Grande Répression Pénale des Délinquants Atteints de Troubles Mentaux?” 27 Can. Crim. L. Rev. 185 Gabriel Lefebvre

Canadian Family Law Quarterly

  • Private-based Mediation in Family Disputes: Mediator and Client Experiences in Ontario” 42 C.F.L.Q. 131 Rachel Birnbaum
  • The Ontario Court of Appeal’s Decision in Ahluwalia v. Ahluwalia — Prudence? Or Opportunity Missed?” 42 C.F.L.Q. 107 Mary-Jo Maur
  • Motions for Children’s Counselling Records in Ontario: A Complex and Uneven Terrain” 42 C.F.L.Q. 163 Ian Ross; Samantha Wisnicki
  • Child Support Obligations of Stepparents in Canada: “Standing in the Place of a Parent” & the C.S.G s. 5” 42 C.F.L.Q. 197 Nicholas Bala

Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practice

  • A Conversation with Justice Rosalie Silberman Abella on Being Awarded the 2023 CCAT Medal” 36 Can. J. Admin. L. & Prac. 161
  • Re-Locating Discretion Amidst Artificial Administration: An Analysis of Emerging System-Level Bureaucracies in Canada’s Federal Government” 36 Can. J. Admin. L. & Prac. 169 Sarah Grieve
  • Appointment to the Federal Court of Canada” 36 Can. J. Admin. L. & Prac. 159 Margaret Leighton, Editor in Chief
  • Wall at Five: A Cautious Defence and a Way Forward” 36 Can. J. Admin. L. & Prac. 199 Robert Boissonneault
  • Case Comment: McAnsh v. Ontario, 2023 ONSC 3537″ 36 Can. J. Admin. L. & Prac. 221 Brian Cook, Gary Yee

Criminal Law Quarterly

  • R. v. Stephan: Failing to Provide the Necessaries of Life in Canadian Criminal Law” 71 C.L.Q. 434 Alexandra Heine
  • Revisiting the Role of the Jury, the Concept of Prejudice, and Standards of Review” 71 C.L.Q. 466 Christopher Nowlin
  • Bailing Them Out Early: Moving Upstream in the Search for Solutions to the Over-Representation of Indigenous Peoples in Canadian Prisons” 71 C.L.Q. 524 Cheryl Marie Webster
  • Correcting Miscarriages of Justice at Sentencing: The Role of a Criminal Cases Review Commission” 71 C.L.Q. 502 Julian V. Roberts and Umar Azmeh

Intellectual Property Journal

  • “Drafting Copyright Exceptions: From the Law in Books to the Law in Action by Emily Hudson (Cambridge University Press 2020)” 35 I.P.J. 237 Aviv Gaon , Idan Rosenblum
  • “Nova v. Dow: Intuition or Principle in the Accounting of Profits Remedy, Part I” 35 I.P.J. 249 Norman Siebrasse
  • “Interviews with Public Officials: Would Donald J. Trump v. Bob Woodward Be Decided Differently in Canada?” 35 I.P.J. 193 Sheldon Burshtein

Insolvency Institute of Canada Articles

  • “Stranger Things: Recent Developments in Recognition Proceedings” I.I.C. Art. Vol. 12-8
  • “The Treatment of Contracts Under Insolvency Law” I.I.C. Art. Vol. 12-9
  • “Key Considerations in Structuring Insolvency Transactions” I.I.C. Art. Vol. 12-4
  • “Reverse Vesting Orders: Did We Forget About Creditor Democracy?” I.I.C. Art. Vol. 12-7
  • “Good Faith or Just Not Bad Faith? Breaking Down the Good Faith Doctrine in Insolvency Law” I.I.C. Art. Vol. 12-3
  • “Challenges in the CCAA with the Varying Treatment of Pre-Post Set-Off Rights” I.I.C. Art. Vol. 12-1
  • “Recent Developments under Section 178(1)(a) and (e) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act: A Case Study of Poonian v. British Columbia (Securities Commission)” I.I.C. Art. Vol. 12-6
  • “Court-Ordered Charges: Reflections on Issues for Secured Creditors” I.I.C. Art. Vol. 12-2
  • “Pullin’ Back the Reins: Considerations in the Selection of a Stalking Horse bidder and the decision in FreshLocal Solutions Inc. — Are we on the right trail?” I.I.C. Art. Vol. 12-5
  • “Third-party Releases in Canada and the United States: A Comparison of the Development of the Jurisprudence with a Comment on the Decision In re Purdue Pharma LP” I.I.C. Art. Vol. 12-10

University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review

  • “Unlocking Pandora’s Box?”: Resolving the Clash of Infrastructure Amidst the Risks of Jury Secrecy” 81 U.T. Fac. L. Rev. 191 Nik Khakhar
  • “Ten Years Later and Limited Evidence of Progress: An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of R v Ipeelee on the Sentencing of Indigenous Offenders Convicted of Manslaughter” 81 U.T. Fac. L. Rev. 161 David Côté
  • “Le Profilage Racial: À L’Ombre des Organes de L’Administration Publique au Québec” 81 U.T. Fac. L. Rev. 119 Manar Choukair , Rhita Harim