
News Release Manitoba Government Unanimously Passes Resolution Declaring Manitoba is Stronger Standing Together Against Donald Trump’s Tariff Tax and Threats March 11, 2025 – The resolution states that tariffs imposed by U.S. President Donald Trump threaten Canada’s sovereignty and economy security. Manitoba is a powerhouse of clean hydroelectricity, critical minerals and brilliant hardworking people who drive innovation and prosperity.

The Legislative Assembly of Manitoba

Second Session, Forty-Third Legislature

Government Bills

2nd Reading

Bill 2 The Provincial Court Amendment Act/Loi modifiant la Loi sur la Cour provinciale

Public Bills


Bill 224 The Budget Bill Public Accountability Act/Loi sur la participation du public quant à la loi budgétaireThe Budget Bill Public Accountability Act is established. The bill that implements the budget must be referred to a standing committee that allows members of the public to make representations.

For the status of all current bills click here.


25/2025Prescription Drugs Payment of Benefits Regulation, amendment14 March, 202514 March, 2025
Manitoba Regulations