New Queen’s Bench Notice – Prerequisite Motions

The Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench has released a new notice regarding prerequisite motions.

Effective immediately, the Masters of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench will be resuming the hearing of motions in the Family Division relating to the completion of prerequisites.

This notice amends the previous notice on April 7th, and is in effect until May 25, 2020.

Click here to see the notice.

This notice and all previous notices regarding changes due to COVID-19 can be found here on the Manitoba Courts Website.

Blog Round up

A bi-monthly round-up of blog posts from the Manitoba legal community for the months of March and April 2020

Clarke Immigration Law

Robson Crim Legal Blog

Matthew Gould Blog (Criminal Law)

Pitblado Law Blog

Taylor McCaffrey

TDS law

MLT Aikins

Michael Dyck Criminal Law Blog

Tom Rees Legal News

Consolidated legal updates from the Canadian Bar Association

The CBA has compiled a list of court notices and practice directions related to measures taken by courts across Canada for the COVID-19 situation.

Check their website here to stay up to date on all federal and provincial court notices.

Be sure to check out the other resources in their COVID-19 Resource Hub for more resources on mental health, professional development and advocacy.

ONCA on Post-verdict Delay

The Ontario Court of Appeal recently released a decision reducing the appellant’s 30 month sentence by five months for unreasonable post-verdict delay. R. v. Hartling, 2020 ONCA 243, concerns the amount of time it took to submit a Gladue report to the court.

From the decision by Benotto, J.A.

[96]      The post-verdict delay is another matter. It took 14 months after conviction for the sentence to be imposed. This delay was not caused by ineffective judicial management. It was not caused by the appellant, nor was it caused directly by the actions of the prosecutor. It was caused by the lack of institutional resources to obtain a Gladue report.

[97]      Immediately upon conviction, trial counsel obtained an order for a Gladue report from the trial judge. However, court administration services denied funding. At the time – as difficult to understand as it seems – there was only one Gladue writer in the Algoma district. There were no Gladue writers provided by Aboriginal Legal Services in the Algoma district. Therefore, there were only two options: (a) paying privately out of pocket; or (b) obtaining Legal Aid funding. Ultimately, the appellant, with the assistance of his counsel, chose to pay privately.

Further commentary is available from The Lawyers Daily.

Legislative Update

Second Session, Forty-Second Legislature


Government Bills

First Reading and Passed

  • Bill 54: The Emergency Measures Amendment Act  ( amendment(s) adopted at Committee Stage) – Currently, only the minister or a local authority may make emergency orders to prevent or limit loss of life and damage to property and the environment. This Bill gives the Lieutenant Governor in Council the power to make three types of orders when a state of emergency is declared.
  • Bill 55: The Employment Standards Code Amendment Act – This Bill amends The Employment Standards Code to add a temporary job-protected leave for employees who are unable to work due to circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The requirement for an employee to provide a certificate from a health professional in respect of a leave provided for in the Code is also temporarily suspended.
  • Bill 56: The Family Maintenance Amendment Act – amends The Family Maintenance Act. It enables maintenance enforcement officials to make more frequent inquiries to determine if a maintenance obligation for an adult child remains eligible for enforcement. In addition, when a request is made for an administrative suspension of a maintenance order, each party is entitled to a copy of material submitted by the other party, with any sensitive information deleted.
  • Bill 57: The Regulated Health Professions Amendment Act – amends The Regulated Health Professions Act to allow a regulated health profession college to re-register former members, without complying with the usual registration requirements, if the minister notifies the college that a threat to public health exists and their assistance is required.
  • Bill 58: The Residential Tenancies Amendment Act – amends The Residential Tenancies Act.
    • Rent is frozen at the amount payable immediately before April 1, 2020.
    • Evictions are limited to specific circumstances that infringe, interfere with or adversely affect the security, safety, health or well-being of other tenants, such as engaging in unlawful activity. This amendment is effective as of March 24, 2020.
    • Late fees for failure to pay rent are prohibited.
  • Bill 59: The Public Health Amendment Act – amends The Public Health Act. New prohibitions or requirements can be made in a public health emergency order to prevent the spread of a communicable disease. Measures to assist in the enforcement of public health emergency orders are added. The fines for failing to comply with public health emergency orders are increased. Additional persons may be authorized by regulation to enforce the Act and orders made under it. Orders made under the Act are not subject to The Statutes and Regulations Act. Orders directed to the public at large may be published on a government website.
  • Bill 60: The Appropriation Act, 2020 (COVID-19 Response)
  • Bill 61: The Loan Act, 2020
  • Bill 62: The Fuel Tax Amendment and Retail Sales Tax Amendment Act – amends The Fuel Tax Act to suspend, for the duration of the 2020 public health emergency, the requirements that a carrier who is not licenced under the International Fuel Tax Agreement pay a tax and obtain a single-trip permit upon entering Manitoba.

Private Bills


Check here for the current status of bills.

As part of its effort to provide accurate information about COVID-19, the Winnipeg Free Press has released a free article detailing these emergency bills. See here for more details.

PLEASE NOTE: The Manitoba Law Library will be closed Monday, September 30th, 2024 for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.  Regular library service will resume Tuesday, October 1st, 2024 at 8:30AM.