New Court Notices

August 19, 2021 – Noting of Default where service is by registered or certified mail under Queen’s Bench Rule 16.03(4)(A)

Due to changes with Canada Post no longer obtaining signatures on registered mail “the Registrar will accept requisitions to note default on a statement of claim where the other requirements to note default are met but the statement of claim was served outside of six months after it was issued and the plaintiff files satisfactory affidavit evidence.”

Notice – Adjustment to Current Scheduling Protocols September 7, 2021 until further notice (August 20, 2021)

In an effort to further the “cautious approach in the transition to further normalization of Court of Queen’s Bench hearings … the court will be further enhancing its in-person judicial service commencing with the fall term on Tuesday, September 7, 2021, until further notice.”

A list of full protocols is provided in the notice.

See here for previous Notices and Practice Directions.

Notice: All Levels of Manitoba Courts

Notice:  Response from the Courts relating to Recent Changes to Public Health Orders (August 6, 2021)

All levels of the Manitoba courts have issued a notice regarding the easing of restrictions in the new public health order. These changes are still being reviewed and until further notice those attending the laws courts will still be required to follow protocol including initial screening conducted by sheriffs officers, wearing of masks, appropriate social distancing and sanitation measures.

For all COVID related notices, see the Manitoba Courts webpage.

Divorce Act Amendments – New QB Practice Directive

June 15, 2021 – Divorce Act Amendments – Pleadings

“A party is not required to amend a pleading filed prior to the amendments coming into
force on March 1, 2021, to obtain an order pursuant to the amended Divorce Act.”

See the full notice for clarification on the transitional provisions.

All Queen’s Bench Notices and Practice Directives can be found here.

Public Now Able to View Virtual Hearings

Notice – Public Viewing/Attendance at Virtual Hearings (February 26, 2021)

In order to allow the general public to view open hearings, while still maintaining health protocols, the Court of Queen’s Bench has allowed for the viewing of Online and Teleconference hearings.

Click on the notice above to read the full instructions on how to request access and the protocols expected to be followed when participating in these events.

See here for all Queen’s Bench COVID-19 related notices and directives.

The library will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Louis Riel Day. Regular hours will resume Tuesday, February 18th at 8:30 a.m.