New Practice Directives and Notices

Court of Queen’s Bench Notice – Masters’ Court: COVID-19 Procedural Update (August 14, 2020)

Masters’ Court – Notice COVID-19 Procedural Update  (August 14, 2020)
This notice modifies the May 11th notice with the resumption of Maintenance Enforcement dockets. Debtors scheduled to appear on or after September 8, 2020 are required to attend court in person, or their legal counsel.

Safety procedures are detailed attached to this notice.

Provincial Court of Manitoba: Access to Winnipeg Remand Centre

Access to Winnipeg Remand Centre (August 18, 2020)
With ongoing difficulties counsel has accessing their clients, the WRC is again permitting counsel to attend in person as of Wednesday August 19, 2020.

Counsel can still contact their clients by telephone and LVI. Additional directions and safety procedures are detailed in the notice.

For all notices and directions related to Covid-19, click here.

Provincial Court Notices

Notice – COVID-19 Suspension and Re-Opening of Additional Courts (July 30, 2020)

The Provincial Court is continuing to reopen court proceedings on a staged and incremental basis. In August, court sittings will resume in Grand Rapids, Sandy Bay/Amaranth, Emerson, Camperville and Roblin. Other communities are either still suspended or taking place in Winnipeg via teleconference as detailed in the notice.

An attached notice of cleaning and proper health procedures is included.

Notice – Child Protection Hearings (July 30, 2020)

Further to previous court notices the child protection dockets will continue to sit in the court centres for the month of August, 2020, with the exception of Steinbach, Beausejour, Pine Falls, Peguis First Nation, Emerson. The child protection dockets set for August in Portage La Prairie, Dauphin, Thompson, Emerson, Beausejour, Pine Falls and Peguis First Nation will take place in those communities.

For all court notices regarding disruptions caused by COVID-19 see here or for Provincial Court notices and directions click here.

New Court Notices from the Provincial Court and Court of Queen’s Bench

Provincial Court of Manitoba – Re: Child Protection Hearings

This notice is in continuation of the notice of May 13, 2020 advising that child protection dockets will continue to sit in the court centres for the month of July, 2020, with the EXCEPTION of Steinbach, Beausejour, Pine Falls and Peguis First Nation. A list of child protection dockets sitting in court centres is included.

Provincial Court of Manitoba – Re: Covid-19 Suspension and Re-Opening Of Additional Courts

Further to the notice of May 15, 2020 additional court sittings will resume in Peguis First Nation, Pine Falls, Virden, Rossburn and Russell, only being open to those necessary to court proceedings. Those that do come to court are being asked to respect health protocols and refrain from coming if they are exhibiting any symptoms.

Other circuit courts which have not been re-opened as described in this notice will not sit
during July. All matters on those dockets will be further suspended and administratively
adjourned to the next court date set for that community.

Case management conferences will continue as scheduled and may be conducted by teleconference.

Court of Queen’s Bench Manitoba -Re: Scheduling Protocols for Family Division Motions and Case Conferences Via Teleconference or Video Conference

This Notice to Profession changes the Notice issued by this Court on April 28, 2020. This notice details protocols for videoconferencing. Motions will continue to be scheduled in a courtroom and will be heard via teleconference, with the judge’s assistant arranging the teleconference and notifying counsel. Effective immediately, counsel has the obligation to arrange a teleconference or a video conference for a case conference where both parties are represented by counsel. Protocols for motions and scheduling case conferences are provided.

New Provincial Court Notices

The following notices have been posted by the Provincial court relating to COVID-19:

Notice – Provincial Offences Act proceedings – Update May 19th – Further to the notices of March 16, 2020 and April 15,2020, the Court Office at 373 Broadway will remain closed to the public until July 6, 2020. There will be limited resumptions of services as well as options for remote dealings. Options for dealing with tickets are provided.

Notice – Teleconference Availability in Provincial Court courtrooms (May 26, 2020) – “Further to the notice issued by the Provincial Court on March 23, 2020. The purpose of this practice notice is to reduce the number of people who are attending to the courthouse, including legal counsel.” Instructions for teleconferences are detailed.

Notice – Pre-Trial Coordinator Timelines (May 28, 2020) – “The timelines as set out in the PTC Protocol will continue to apply but the period of time the out of custody dockets and trials were suspended due to COVID-19 will be deducted from the timeline calculation.” “The PTCs may also entertain longer remands within the timelines in order to prevent unnecessary appearances in Court while COVID-19 restrictions are in place.”

Notice – Update to the Judges and Judicial Justice of the Peace Weekend Bail Courts (May 28, 2020) – “Further to the Court’s Notices of April 9, 2020 and May 6, 2020, the weekend Judge’s dockets will be discontinued and therefore no longer sitting effective June 6, 2020.”

For all court notices regarding disruptions caused by COVID-19 see here.

The Provincial Court has also posted a notice regarding Scheduling of Criminal Code Dispositions – “On June 1, 2020, the Provincial Court Disposition Coordinator will assume the scheduling of all Criminal Code dispositions in Winnipeg” “The process currently used to set dispositions with the disposition coordinators will apply to these disposition courts.”

To stay up to date on all Provincial Court notices and directions please see here.

The library will be closing at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11th.  Lawyers can ask Protective Services for access after hours.