Provincial Court Rescheduling Notices

The Provinical Court has posted three new notices regarding ongoing rescheduling and suspension of court matters. See notices for full details.

Further Suspension and Restriction of Hearings Return to Sitting for Some Trials and Special Sittings in Certain Circuits (December 30, 2020)

Suspension of Court Sittings due to COVID-19 (December 30, 2020)

Rescheduling of Winnipeg Adult and Youth Out of Custody Matters due to COVID-19 (Winnipeg Centre) (December 30, 2020)

Provincial Court Notices – Rescheduling

The Provincial Court has provided the following four new notices regarding the rescheduling of court matters due to the continuing Code Red designation. Click each notice for full text and details.

Notice – Rescheduling of Circuit Court Sittings due to COVID-19 (December 11, 2020) 

Notice – Rescheduling of Adult and Youth Out of Custody Matters due to COVID-19 (Regional Centres) (December 11, 2020) 

Notice – Rescheduling of Adult and Youth Out of Custody Matters due to COVID-19 (Winnipeg Centre) (December 11, 2020)

Notice – Rescheduling of Circuit Court Sittings due to COVID-19 (December 11, 2020)

See here for all COVID-19 related court notices and directives

New Provincial Court Notices

Notice – COVID-19 – Suspension and Restriction of Hearings (November 30, 2020) – This notice is in furtherance to the November 10th notice. “All circuit court sittings throughout Manitoba will remain cancelled until January 4, 2021 or until further notice”

December 1, 2020 – Counter Court (Winnipeg) – “Beginning in January 2021, the Provincial Court will move to a Counter Court model in Winnipeg for all out of custody administrative courts, currently called PTC (Pre-Trial Coordinator) courts.”

“The Counter Court model will improve access to justice and efficiency in the following ways:

  • One on one interaction for an accused person with the Staff Justice of the Peace
  • An expanded time to attend and less waiting time to have your matter addressed
  • There will be more than one Staff Justice of the Peace at the Counter so matters can be spoken to more quickly
  • Persons will not have to wait until all of Counsel’s matters have been addressed before they can have their matter addressed by the Court

Notice – Rescheduling of Adult and Youth out of Custody Matters due to COVID-19 (Winnipeg Centre)  (December 2, 2020) – “This Notice addresses matters currently scheduled for December 14 – 31, 2020, which  will be adjourned to February 2021 dates.”

Notice – Rescheduling of Circuit Court Sittings due to COVID-10 (December 4, 2020) – “Further to the Notice of November 30 2020, suspending court with respect to all circuit  court sittings, the following date changes apply to those circuit courts listed below where  matters were scheduled between December 14, 2020 to December 31, 2020. All other  circuit court sittings, adjourned by the Notice of November 30, 2020 beyond  December 31, 2020 remain as adjourned by that Notice to the dates contained in that  Notice.”

Notice – Rescheduling of Adult and Youth out of Custody Matters due to COVID-19 (Regional Centres) (December 4, 2020) – “All matters adjourned as per previous Notices to dates after January 4, 2021 (see Notice  dated November 10, 2020 and Notice dated November 16, 2020) are expected to proceed  on those January dates.  This Notice addresses matters currently scheduled for December 14 – 31, 2020, which  will be adjourned to January and February 2021 dates.”

New Court Notices

Queen’s Bench

Practice Direction – Remote and Off Site Civil Trials (November 20, 2020) – This direction is provided due to the recent Code Red designation and addresses certain obstacles and limitations that affect scheduled civil trials in the Court of Queen’s Bench. Options for parties, where they have been advised that a trial is being adjourned are provided in the notice.

November 26, 2020 – Court Attire – Replaces the February 10, 2017 notice detailing requirements for wearing formal court attire.

Provincial Court

Notice – COVID -19 – Suspension and Restriction of Hearings – Legal Aid Administrative Court (November 24, 2020) – “Further to the Notices of November 10 and 13, 2020, suspending court with respect to all out of custody matters, this will confirm the Legal Aid Administrative Court on December 8, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. courtroom 402 is cancelled with respect to out of custody matters.” Individuals awaiting the appointment of counsel by Legal Aid are encouraged to contact Legal Aid. Counsel appointed to individuals are asked to contact their clients.

New Provincial Court Notices

Notice – Service of Child Protection Proceedings on Persons in Custody during Pandemic Restrictions (November 18, 2020)
“Prior to the pandemic, a process server might attend the institution to effect personal service. However with Code Red restrictions and the elimination or restriction of visitors to the Correctional Centre, this method of service is not possible.” The notice gives new options and contact information for correctional centres.

Notice – Circuit Court Sitting Replacement Dates Due to COVID-19 (November 18, 2020)
“Further to the Notice of November 10, 2020, suspending court with respect to all circuit court sittings, the following dates reflect the date the circuit should have sat within the suspended period and the date the circuit has been administratively adjourned to.”

Practice Directive – Video Appearances for Trials and Preliminary Hearings in the Provincial Court of Manitoba (November 17, 2020) – “…the Court has developed this Practice Directive to accommodate the remote attendance of a participant at trial or preliminary hearing by video, where appropriate, while maintaining the integrity of the hearing process.” The process for requesting an accused or in custody witness appear by video is provided.

Provincial Court rescheduling custody matters

“Further to the Notice of November 10, 2020, suspending court with respect to all adult and youth out of custody matters, the following date changes apply…”

See the full notices for locations and dates.

Regional Centres: Notice – COVID -19 – Rescheduling Adult and Youth Out of Custody Matters -Regional Centres  (November 16, 2020)

Winnipeg Centre: Notice – COVID – 19 – Rescheduling Adult and Youth Out of Custody Matters (November 13, 2020)

The library will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Louis Riel Day. Regular hours will resume Tuesday, February 18th at 8:30 a.m.