New Notice and Practice Directives

Provincial Court

Re: Covid-19 Suspension and Re-Opening Of Additional Courts (September 28, 2020)

Following a previous notice, courts will not be re-opening in God’s Lake Narrows in October. They will also not be re-opening in Garden Hill for local reasons.

The courts will re-turn to sitting in Altona, Arborg, Ashern and Lundar, and is sitting in Easterville. There is no confirmed date for Pukatawagan.

Beginning October 1, 2020, the Provincial Court of Manitoba will hear in-custody and out of custody trials and out of custody dispositions in the communities of: Altona, Arborg, Ashern, and Lundar.

Health protocols are in effect in these areas and the courts are asking any one with symptoms to not come to court. More details and updates are included in the full notice.

All Courts

Notice to the Profession (September 28, 2020)

Under the new Manitoba Health protocol, those that have come into contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19 while in the courts will now be notified. Members of the profession will not be informed of every potential exposure in the courthouse. A reminder that masks are required at all time while in the courthouse, except, when in a courtroom, the presiding judge stipulates otherwise.

For a list of all notices and practice directions related to COVID-19 visit

New Notice and Practice Directive – Provincial Court

Covid-19 Suspension and Re-Opening Of Additional Courts

In furtherance of previous notices to re-open courts, the following locations with begin to re-open on a staged and incremental basis.

  • September 9, 2020, court sittings resumed in Bloodvein;
  • September 21, 2020, court sittings will resume in Gimli, Stonewall and Little Grand Rapids;
  • October 1, 2020, we expect to resume court sittings in Moose Lake, Sioux Valley, God’s Lake Narrows, Garden Hill, Boissevain, Brochet, Little Grand Rapids and Cross Lake.

September 21, 2020, the Provincial Court of Manitoba will hear in-custody and out of custody trials and dispositions in the communities of Gimli, Stonewall, and Little Grand Rapids.

October 1, 2020, the Provincial Court of Manitoba will hear in-custody and out of custody trials and dispositions in the communities of: God’s Lake Narrows, Cross Lake, Sioux Valley, Moose Lake, Bloodvein, Garden Hill, Boissevain, and Brochet.

See the full notice for more details as well as information on Child protection, Administrative dockets, and Case management conferences.

For a list of all notices and practice directions related to COVID-19 visit

New Notice – Provincial Court

JJP Administrative Circuit Dockets (Thompson Court Centre) (September 9, 2020)

“Starting on September 14, 2020, the circuit dockets presided over by a Judicial Justice
of the Peace (JJP) will be run in Thompson.

Counsel who have matters appearing on the JJP dockets are asked to attend to address the matter before the Court. The JJPs will be able to endorse stays of proceedings, impose peace bonds, receive updates on the status of applications for counsel, referrals to diversion and set trial dates.

If a matter is ready for disposition, and the circuit court location is open, the matter can be remanded to the next Judge’s docket in the community for disposition.”

For a list of all notices and practice directions related to COVID-19 visit

New Provincial Court Notices

The following notices have been posted by the Provincial court relating to COVID-19:

Additional Trial Dates Added to the Court’s Website (August 7, 2020)
In an ongoing assessment on using existing resources, the Provincial Court has repurposed a youth court trial date to adult trial days for the next six months. These additional dates can be viewed on the court’s website.

Suspension and Re-Opening of Additional Courts – St. Theresa Point (August 7, 2020)
In addition to the notice on July 30, court sittings will resume in St. Theresa Point as of August 12, 2020. See the full notice for additional guidelines and health protocols.

Pre-Trial Coordinator Dockets (August 6, 2020)
Further to the May 28, 2020 notice, to reduce the number of people attending 405 Broadway, in the Woodsworth Building cafeteria, effective August 10, 2020, for matters appearing on the 1:00 p.m. 301/302 dockets, where it is necessary for counsel to appear in person, counsel are now directed to appear at the Provincial Court counter at 408 York Avenue between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

Counsel are advised to notify the Crown’s office of any adjournments in advance.

Self represented individuals will continue to appear at 405 Broadway

For a list of all notices and practice directions related to COVID-19 visit

The library will be closing at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11th.  Lawyers can ask Protective Services for access after hours.