The deadline for your 2017 Annual Member Report (AMR) and Mandatory Continuing Professional Development (MCPD) Report is quickly approaching. Here are answers to the common questions and issues that lawyers have when submitting these reports.

I didn’t practise for most of 2017.
Do I still have to complete the AMR and MCPD Reports?

Yes, if you practised for any portion of 2017 you must complete the AMR and MCPD reports.

The minimum MCPD requirement is 1 CPD hour for every month you held active practising status in the 2017 calendar year. And for those that practised for 3 months or more, 1.5 hours of those completed hours must relate to ethics, professional responsibility or practice management. For more details review the Guiding Principles and  Division 8.1 – Professional Development of the Law Society Rules.

Are the Ethics Professionalism Practice Management (EPPM) hours I must complete in addition to the required 12 CPD hours?

No, the EPPM requirement of 1.5 hours per year is not in addition to the overarching requirement of 12 CPD hours.  This means of the 12 CPD hours you have completed, 1.5 of these hours must qualify as EPPM.

For clarification on what type of subject matter qualifies as EPPM please see this Eligible Activities Subject Matter Chart .

I just received my Call in 2017.
Do I still need to complete and report CPD hours?

You still must complete the AMR and MCPD reports in the year of your Call to the Bar, however, there is no minimum requirement for the number of CPD hours you must complete.

So when you complete your MCPD report indicate how many hours you did, even if it was zero, and you will be in compliance with the requirements. Just remember, you must still complete the AMR and MCPD report.

The library will be closing at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11th.  Lawyers can ask Protective Services for access after hours.