With the end of the third session, 41st Legislature, the following bills received Royal Assent on November 8, 2018:
- Bill 8: The Government Notices Modernization Act (Various Acts Amended)
- Bill 12: The Red Tape Reduction and Government Efficiency Act, 2018
- Bill 16: The Climate and Green Plan Implementation Act
- Bill 24: The Social Services Appeal Board Amendment Act
- Bill 27: The Fiscal Responsibility and Tax payer Protection Amendment Act
- Bill 29: The Wildlife Amendment Act (Safe Hunting and Shared Management)
- Bill 34: The Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2018
- Bill 35: The Crown Lands Amendment Act (Improved Management of Community Pastures and Agricultural Crown Lands)
- Bill 36: The Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Impaired Driving Offences)
- Bill 223: The Child and Family Services Amendment Act
- Bill 228: The Animal Shelter and Rescue Awareness Day Act
- Bill 230: The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day Act
The following bills were not proceeded with:
- Bill 28: The Public Sector Construction Projects (Tendering) Act
- Bill 30: The Statutes Correction and Minor Amendments Act, 2018
- Bill 200: The Planning Amendment Act
- Bill 201: The Manitoba Conservation Officers Recognition Day Act
- Bill 203: The Insurance Amendment Act
- Bill 204: The Electoral Divisions Amendment Act
- Bill 206: The Brookside Cemetery Recognition Act
- Bill 207: The Legal Profession Amendment Act (Queen’s Counsel Appointments)
- Bill 209: The Gift of Life Act (Human Tissue Gift Act Amended)
- Bill 210: The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act
- Bill 214: The Workplace Safety and Health Amendment Act
- Bill 215: The Election Financing Amendment Act
- Bill 216: The Human Rights Code Amendment Act
- Bill 218: The Prompt Payments in the Construction Industry Act
- Bill 222: The Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Protecting Tenants from Rising Utility Costs)
- Bill 224: The Public Schools Amendment Act (No Disclosure Without Consent)
- Bill 225: The Human Rights Code Amendment Act (Genetic Characteristics)
- Bill 227: The Animal Care Amendment Act (Dog Breeding and Exotic Animals)
- Bill 232: The Efficiency Manitoba Amendment Act
To check when these bills come into effect, click here.
In addition, the Government of Manitoba proclaims the following:
With the advice and consent of the Executive Council of Manitoba, we name December 17, 2018, as the day on which The Film and Video Classification and Distribution Act (S.M. 2018, c. 11) comes into force.
Before this enactment, films were regulated under The Amusements Act. This Act establishes a new regulatory framework for the classification and distribution of films and other forms of prerecorded moving visual images, such as rental videos and video games.
The Manitoba Film Classification Board is dissolved and a director appointed for the purpose of the new Act.
The director must classify theatrically released films and adult films sold, rented or otherwise made available to the public (other than by the Internet or cable or satellite television). Distributors of such films must be licensed. With Cabinet approval, the director may enter into an agreement whereby classification and licensing determinations of another government or government agency apply in Manitoba.
Video games, videos and non-theatrically released films must be classified and the classification indicated as provided for in the regulations.