Fourth Session, 41st Legislature
Government Bills
- Bill 5: The Mental Health Amendment and Personal Health Information Amendment Act
- Bill 6: The Statutes Correction and Minor Amendments Act, 2018
- Bill 8: The Referendum Act
Private Members’ Bills:
- Bill 208: The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act
- Bill 210: The Insurance Amendment Act
- Bill 211: The Brookside Cemetery Recognition Act
- Bill 212: The Gift of Life Act (Human Tissue Gift Act Amended)
- Bill 213: The Election Financing Amendment Act (Contribution Limits)
- Bill 215: The Efficiency Manitoba Amendment Act
- Bill 216: The Conflict of Interest Act
To follow the legislative process, be sure to check Bill Status daily.
A note of interest: All of this week’s private members’ bills were introduced by the Honourable Stephen Fletcher (I).