Manitoba has done a fantastic job at reducing the spread of COVID-19. At the Great Library, we’re happy to welcome you back to in person visits – with some restrictions.

In order to follow public health orders, we will restrict access to lawyers and the judiciary only, and only when staff are present. At this time staff will be available from 8:30 – 12:00 and 1:30 – 4:00 Monday through Friday. We ask that you call us when you reach the door and we will let you in. Please keep your visits to 30 minutes or less.

We continue to be available by email at If you require print materials, you can request them by phone or email, and we will collect them for you. You can pick them up at the security entrance on Kennedy, and return them there as well.

The library will be closed on Monday, September 2. Regular hours will resume on the following day.