Third Session, Forty-Second Legislature

Government Bills


Bill 65 The Appropriation Act, 2020

Bill 66 The Loan Act, 2020-2021

Private Bills


Bill 208 The Wildlife Amendment Act (Protecting Property from Water and Wildlife Damage) – Currently, a landowner has the right to kill or take certain wildlife in defence of their property. The Bill extends the right to tenants of private or leased Crown land.

Bill 209 The Criminal Property Forfeiture Amendment Act (2) – Currently, money in the criminal property forfeiture fund may be used for programs operated by law enforcement agencies. The Bill enables the money to instead go to non-profit community organizations for social programs, such as affordable housing and restorative justice.

Bill 210 The Personal Protective Equipment Reporting Act – requires a report to be tabled each year in the Legislative Assembly setting out the quantity, and any applicable expiry dates, of personal protective equipment purchased and held by health authorities.

Bill 215 The Provincial Court Amendment Act (Gender-Based Violence Education Requirements) – This Bill amends The Provincial Court Act to require judicial candidates to complete education in sexual assault law.

Bill 216 The Public Health Amendment Act (2) – amends The Public Health Act to repeal the requirement that the chief public health officer obtain the approval of the minister before issuing a public health emergency order.

Bill 301 The Winnipeg Humane Society Foundation Incorporation Amendment Act – changes composition of the board as well as investment requirements.

Second Reading

Bill 211 The Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Unpaid Leave for Reservists)

See here for the status of all current bills.


The Emergency Medical Response and Stretcher Transportation Amendment Act (section 1, clause 2(a) insofar as it repeals the definition “emergency medical response technician”, sections 4 and 5, clauses 13(1)(a) and (b), and section 16) SM 2017, c. 13, comes into force on December 1, 2020.

The Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (whole Act) SM 2020, c. 13 proclaimed to come into force on January 1, 2021.

The Peatlands Stewardship and Related Amendments Act (sections 8 to 16 and 30; sections 8 to 16 and 30) SM 2014, c. 27 sections 8 to1 6 and 30 proclaimed to come into force November 16 ,2020.

See here for a list of all Proclamations.

The library will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Louis Riel Day. Regular hours will resume Tuesday, February 18th at 8:30 a.m.