We have three new texts added to the library’s collection on several topics including hard to find information on misrepresentation, updated administrative law, and drafting trusts with new and updated precedents. Check out more detailed summaries of them here.

Misrepresentation and (Dis)Honest Performance in Contract — 2nd Edition by Bruce MacDougall 

“The law of misrepresentation is fairly complex – though it does not fall squarely within contract law, it can have a considerable effect on a contract, in some instances making it voidable. This voidability, leading to relief through rescission, is both a cause of action and a defence. The book also examines when a misrepresentation leads to tort damages for deceit and negligent misrepresentation in contracts contexts. It details the parties involved in misrepresentations, both in terms of makers and of recipients of such statements – that is, representors and representees.”

Drafting Trusts and Will Trusts in Canada, 5th Edition by James Kessler, Fiona Hunter

Drafting Trusts and Will Trusts in Canada, 5th Edition examines both the general and the technical issues that can arise in this area of the law, and deftly combines advice on the substantive law with useful drafting direction. The commentary covers the full range of practical concerns that underpin trust drafting, and highlights the possible problems practitioners may encounter, from coast to coast.
In addition, the volume contains a comprehensive collection of skillfully crafted precedents that will be invaluable to lawyers and will help them avoid potentially costly mistakes.”

Canadian Administrative Law — 3rd Edition by Guy Régimbald

“Since the second edition of this book was published in 2008, administrative law in Canada has evolved considerably, due in part to a number of recent Supreme Court of Canada decisions. This third edition of Canadian Administrative Law provides an updated look at this important area of law, taking the new case law into account while still providing readers with a comprehensive guide to the subject. In particular, this volume offers an explanation of: the theoretical foundations of judicial review and how they are supported by the constitution; the powers of administrative decision-makers; why and under what circumstances decision-makers determine both constitutional and jurisdictional issues; the standard of review; fairness; bias; and procedural issues.”

The Great Library will be closed from December 25, 2024 to January 1, 2025 for the winter holidays. Regular office hours will resume on Thursday, January 2, 2025.