It’s that time of the year again – time to nominate your favourite legal blog, podcast, newsletter, or whatever! I can’t believe this has been going on for 16 years – where does the time go??
Nothing fancy about the name of the Gardiner Roberts Litigation Blog – it is literally “Blog”, but don’t let that fool you. The content is substantive and well written, thoughtful legal analysis of recent cases in Ontario. Partners Stephen Thiele and James Cook have been publishing for a couple of years. Wish I had their ability to entice readers with their witty titles.
First Peoples Law hits the legal information trifecta: a blog, podcast AND a newsletter. I have been reading the newsletter (delivered every Sunday) for a few years and rely on it for authoritative national Indigenous content. More in-depth treatment is found on their blog.
For sheer entertainment value (at least to me), I have to include Above the Law‘s Thinking like a Lawyer podcast. The current “cast” of Joe Patrice, Kathryn Rubino and Chris Williams usually have me laughing at some point, either during “small talk” or wondering how Joe’s going to work in his latest ad read. Of course there are also serious topics discussed and, if you’re a Canadian lawyer, you are free to compare your bonuses to a top 100 U.S. law firm.
I look forward to other people’s nominations to add to my legal information sources!