Government Bills
Bill 10 An Act respecting amendments to the Health Services Insurance Act, the Pharmaceutical Act, and Various Corporate Statutes – Amendments to The Health Services Insurance Act and The Pharmaceutical Act would allow point-of-care COVID-19 testing to be done by pharmacists and enable other professions to do so if permitted under The Regulated Health Professions Act. Amendments to The Condominium Act, The Cooperatives Act, The Corporations Act and The Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act would enable co-operative, condominium and corporate directors, shareholders, members and unit owners to choose to hold virtual meetings.
Bill 11 The Elections Amendment Act – This Bill amends The Elections Act. Two significant changes are made to enable the use of new technologies, along with a number of other amendments:
- The Bill permits the Chief Electoral Officer to authorize the use of vote counting machines to count the vote.
- All advance votes, whether cast by residents of the electoral division or non-residents, will be counted on election night in the electoral division in which they were cast and reported back to the appropriate home electoral division using secure electronic technology.
Bill 12 The Peak of the Market Reorganization Act – Peak of the Market is a corporation incorporated under The Farm Products Marketing Act. This Bill continues it as Peak of the Market NFP Inc., a corporation without share capital under The Corporations Act. The regulations related to Peak of the Market are repealed.
Bill 13 The Social Services Appeal Board Amendment Act – This Bill amends The Social Services Appeal Board Act. The following changes are made to the procedures before the board.
- An appeal may be heard by a single member of the board.
- An appeal may be heard in writing or by telephone or other electronic means.
- The board may dismiss an appeal in certain circumstances, including when the appeal is trivial, not made in good faith or is vexatious.
- Certain procedural deadlines are extended.
Private Bills
Bill 217 The Fatality Inquiries Amendment Act (Overdose Death Reporting) – This Bill amends The Fatality Inquiries Act to require the chief medical examiner to post a report on a government website setting out the number of drug overdose deaths in Manitoba for each month. The report must also identify the type of drug that is suspected of causing or contributing to each reported death.
For the status of all current bills click here.
Chapter | Title (provisions) | Date in force | Date signed | Proclamation |
SM 2021, c. 11 | The Public Service Act whole Act | 26 Feb 2022 | 15 Feb 2022 | Proclamation |
SM 2021, c. 30 | The Reducing Red Tape and Improving Services Act, 2020 sections 6 to 10 | 28 Feb 2022 | 15 Feb 2022 | Proclamation |
For all current proclamations click here.