Journals Update

New articles from the following journals are now available for Law Society members upon request. For a pdf copy of these or other legal journal articles email us at

Canadian Family Law Quarterly. Vol. 40
  • Yousef Aly Wahb. Faith-Based Divorce Proceedings: Alternative Dispute Resolutions for Canadian Muslims
  • Stephanie Dickson, Melanie Battaglia. Child Support for Adult Children and Children with a Disability: The Impact of ODSP, the Disability Tax Credit, RDSP and RESP
  • Rachel Birnbaum, Nicholas Bala. High Conflict Parenting Cases and the Role of State-Funded Agencies in Ontario
  • Vanessa Lam. Determining the V-Date: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, When Can I Stop Sharing Property with You?
Intellectual Property Journal, Vol 34
  • Lindsay Paquette. Bill C-15 and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: A Proposal for Intellectual Property Law Reform in Canada for the Protection, Preservation and Prosperity of Indigenous Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expression.
  • Muhammand Zaheer Abbas. Revisiting Canada’s Access to Medicines Regime in Response to COVID-19: A Review of the Legislation and Its Underlying Objectives.
  • David Vaver. User Rights in Canadian Copyright Law.
  • Luca Vaez Tehrani. The Modern Library: Ramifications of Controlled Digital Lending on Copyright.
  • Aviv Gaon. Law and Reputation: How the Legal System Shapes Behavior by Producing Information, Roy Shapira (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2020).
Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law, Vol. 16
  • Steven Chaplin. Review of: Tom McDowell, Neoliberal Parliamentarism: The Decline of Parliament at the Ontario Legislature (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021)
  • Gregory Tardi. Election 44: Connecting the Dots
  • Charlie Feldman. Much Ado about Parliamentary Review
  • Gregory Tardi. Including Emerging Litigation Comprenant Les Litiges en Voie de Développement
  • Priya Dube. The Role of Law in Settling Political Disputes: York University v. Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency (Access Copyright), 2021 SCC 32
  • Gregory Tardi. Review of: Stephen Breyer The Authority of the Court and the Perils of Politics (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2021)
  • Robin Ketcheson. Unwriting the Unwritten Principles of the Electoral System
  • Susan Keenan. Questions of Central Importance: The Supreme Court’s Diceyan Reserve
  • Michelle Black. Review of: Beverley McLachlin Denial (Simon & Shuster: Toronto, 2021)
  • Jena Karim. Statecraft and Recognition of the Taliban: Crux of Taliban Governance and the Potential Impacts of Recognition
  • Professor Stephen I. Vladeck. Reforming the U.S. Supreme Court by Reforming Its Docket
  • Dr. Ronnie R. F. Yearwood. Barbados’ Transition to a Republic: ‘Republic in Name First, Constitutional Reform after’, ‘Stuff and Nonsense!’
  • J.W.J. Bowden. What’s in a Name? Newfoundland & Labrador and the Constitution Amendment, 2001
  • Caitlin Salvino. A Tool of the ‘Last Resort’: A Comprehensive Account of the Notwithstanding Clause Political Use from 1982-2021
  • Kioko Nzuki Mwania. The Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Culture in Kenya
  • Mohammad Pizuar Hossain. Repatriation of the Rohingya Refugees: Geopolitics and the Potential Role of the International Court of Justice
  • Dave Guénette. Recensement de: Christophe Parent L’État des Fédérations (Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2019) 2 Tomes
  • Julien Fournier. Recensement de: Yan Campagnolo Le Secret Ministériel. Théorie et Pratique (Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2020)
McGill Law Journal, Vol. 66
  • Bethany Hastie. (Re)Discovering the Promise of Fraser? Labour Pluralism and Freedom of Association
  • Amitpal C. Singh. The Body as Me and Mine: The Case for Property Rights in Attached Body Parts
  • Marc-Antoine Gervais. Les Impasses Théoriques et Pratiques du Contrôle de Constitutionnalité Canadien
  • Daniele Bertolini. Unpacking Entire Agreement Clauses: On the (Elusive) Search for Contractually Induced Formalism in Contractual Adjudication
National Journal of Constitutional Law, Vol. 42
  • Professor René Provost. Remedies for Human Rights Violations–A Two-Track Approach to Supra-National and National Law (Cambridge University Press, 2021, xlix-581pp.)
  • Kent Roach. Principled versus Rule or Text-Based Discretion in Charter Remedies: Conseil Scolaire, Ontario (Attorney General) v. G and Albashir
  • Danielle Pinard. La Temporalité des Jugements D’inconstitutionnalité des Lois au Canada: Les Mesures D’atténuation Prises à L’égard de Leur Rétroactivité et de Leur Caractère Immédiatement Exécutoire
Ottawa Law Review, Vol. 51
  • Le Très Honorable Richard Wagner, C.P., The Right Honourable Richard Wagner, P.C., Juge en Chef du Canada , Chief Justice of Canada. Allocution du Récipiendaire de Doctorat Honorifique | Speech of the Recipient of the Honorary Doctorate
  • Paul Daly. Plural Public Law | Un Droit Public Pluriel
  • Nicolas Lambert. Effective Remediation in Public Procurement: Contract Damages versus Judicial Review
  • Mari Galloway. The Unwritten Constitutional Principles and Environmental Justice: A New Way Forward?
  • Maureen Irish. The Review of International Commercial Arbitral Awards and the New York Convention: Breaking the Link to Administrative Law
  • Isabel Grant, Crystal Choi, Debra Parkes. The Meaning of Life: A Study of the Use of Parole Ineligibility for Murder Sentencing
  • Jamie Cameron. The Tenth Justice: Judicial Appointments, Marc Nadon, and the Supreme Court Act Reference by Carissima Mathen & Michael Plaxton
  • Robert Hamilton, Joshua Nichols. Reconciliation and the Straitjacket: A Comparative Analysis of the Secession Reference and R v Sparrow
  • Andrew Leach. Environmental Policy is Economic Policy: Climate Change Policy and the General Trade and Commerce Power
  • Abra Martin. Mikisew Cree: A Lost Opportunity for Doctrinal Clarity on Constitutional Principles
  • Carys Craig, Ian Kerr. The Death of the AI Author
  • Stéphane Sérafin. Les Positivismes Juridiques Au XXe Siècle: Normativismes, Sociologismes, Réalismes de Maxime St-Hilaire
  • Hugo Tremblay. Perspectives Critiques Sur le Droit de l’Environnement Face à l’Anthropocène
  • Virginia Torrie. Aspiration and Reality in Legal Education de David Sandomierski
  • Gabriel Poliquin, Ph.D. LL.B. L’art de Juger de l’Honorable Louis LeBel, Sous la Direction de Bjarne Melkevik
  • Michel Morin. Le Secret Ministériel: Théorie et Pratique de Yan Campagnolo
  • Lori Hausegger, Troy Riddell. Judges on Judging in Canadian Appellate Courts: The Role of Legal and Extra-Legal Factors on Decision-Making
  • Léonid Sirota. Immuring Dicey’s Ghost: The Senate Reform Reference and Constitutional Conventions
  • Dan Priel. “That Is Not How the Common Law Works”: Paths to Tort Liability for Harassment
  • Kristen Thomasen. Robots, Regulation, and the Changing Nature of Public Space

Will Week April 2022

Will Week is a week-long series of free public events to bring awareness to the importance of wills and estate planning. Seminars start Tuesday April 26, 2022. Visit the Library’s events calendar for session and registration information.

The event is a collaboration between the Manitoba Bar Association, The Winnipeg Foundation and the Public Guardian and Trustee. To learn more about Will Week, visit the Winnipeg Foundation website.

As part of this year’s Will Week, we have put together a digital book display using our collection of Wills, Estates, and Trusts texts.

To help you browse, we’ve compiled some of our most recent print titles, journal titles, and materials published by the Law Society of Manitoba into this virtual book display.

How to use this display

Click on the image of a title you’re interested in to view the catalog listing (includes the abstract and subject headings).

Our library catalog allows you to create a reading list and keep track of titles. Click “select” at the bottom left of the item’s catalog record. You can add as many titles as you like to your list and email or print it for future reference.

We hope you enjoy this digital book display!


The following print titles are available:

The following print titles are available:


The following print titles are available:

Lewin on Trusts
Oosterhoff on Trusts
Waters Law of Trusts in Canada
Widdifield on Executors & Trustees

Law Society of Manitoba Materials

The following print titles produced by the Law Society of Manitoba are available:


We also subscribe to journals that exclusively cover the topics of Wills, Estates, and Trusts. Journal titles from HeinOnline Law Journal Library are available behind the Law Society Member Portal:

  • Estates Trusts and Pensions Journal (print – current to 2022; HeinOnline – available to 2018 online)
  • Estate Planning & Community Property Law Journal (HeinOnline – vol. 1-14, 2008-2021)

CALL/ACBD Announces Short-list of Nominees for Legal Publishing Award

The Canadian Association of Law Libraries (CALL/ACBD)  has just announced a short-list of nominees for the 2022 Hugh Lawford Award for Excellence in Legal Publishing. The award honours Hugh Lawford (1913-2009), Professor of Law at Queen’s University and the founder of Quicklaw.

The award is given to a publisher (whether for-profit or not-for profit, corporate or non-corporate) that has demonstrated excellence by publishing a work, series, website, or electronic product that makes a significant contribution to legal research and scholarship.

This year’s nominees are:

CanLII for Civil Procedure and Practice in Ontario edited by Noel Semple.

“A comprehensive and free guide sophisticated enough for specialist litigators, but also straightforward and understandable for law office staff, self-represented litigants, and the general public.”

LexisNexis for The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Canadian Law by Kevin P. McGuinness

“The definitions provided in this text are taken predominantly from both Canadian jurisprudence and statutes and also include important terms from pertinent related fields such as economics, sociology, political science, forensic medicine, science and engineering, business and accounting, and many others.”

Emond for Modern Criminal Evidence, Brian H. Greenspan and Vincenzo Rondinelli, General Editors.

“A truly practical and comprehensive guide to criminal evidence law in Canada that guides readers through evidentiary issues in all components of criminal law, providing insight from Crown, defence, and judicial perspectives.”LexisNexis for The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Canadian Law by Kevin P. McGuinness.

The Manitoba Law Library has print copies of both Modern Criminal Evidence and The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Canadian Law

Our members also have access to Modern Criminal Evidence through our subscription to Emond’s Criminal Law series which can be accessed behind the Law Society Member Portal

We would love to see a Manitoba guide to civil litigation and procedure published in collaboration with CanLII. On our wish list! 

Winners will be announced at this year’s CALL/ACBD virtual conference May 31 – June 3, 2022

Congratulations and good luck to all of the nominees! 


Resumption of JJP Dockets – New Notice

April 19, 2022 – Resumption of Judicial Justice of the Peace Dockets in the communities of Cross Lake, God’s Lake Narrows, Nelson House, Norway House, Oxford House, Shamattawa, and Split Lake

“Effective May 2, 2022, Judicial Justice of the Peace (JJP) dockets will resume sitting in person in the communities of Cross Lake, Gods Lake Narrows, Nelson House, Norway House, Oxford House, Shamattawa, and Split Lake.

In order to minimize the number of people attending court in person at one time, going forward, the JJP dockets will be divided alphabetically into morning and afternoon sittings.

Persons attending court prior to their designated time will be directed not to enter or remain in the vicinity of the court facility and will be instructed to return for their court appearance at the assigned time.”

See the full notice including designated sitting times here

For all Provincial Court COVID-19 notices click here