June 16, 2022 – Amendments to the Court of Queen’s Bench Rules 

“On June 1, 2022, the Statutory Rules Committee of the Court of Queen’s Bench approved changes to:

    1. Queen’s Bench Rules 74 and 75 (along with new forms) that deal with probate practice and contested estates;
    2. The Court of Queen’s Bench Tariff;
    3. Queen’s Bench Rule 4.10(1) dealing with access to family proceeding files”

Probate Rules 74 and 75 will have modernized language and terminology. The new rules and forms are gender neutral and were drafted with a view to making them understandable to self-represented parties who are increasingly filing probate and administration applications.
The new probate rules and forms come into force on October 1, 2022

The amendments to the Court of Queen’s Bench Tariff include:

  •  An across the board tariff increase of approximately 25%;
  • The amount for preparation for trial is increased to the same amount as the lawyer’s fee at the trial of an action (item (r));
  • A compensable tariff item is added for written argument following trial when such written argument is directed by the judge, in an amount equal to 33% of the amount allowed per half day of trial;
  • The addition of new tariff items for triage conferences, prioritized hearings and contested emergent motions and motions before the Master to compel a party to complete pre-requisites.

The amendments come into force on July 1, 2022 and applies to any step in a proceeding that takes place on or after July 1, 2022.

A minor change to Queen’s Bench Rule 4.10(1)(f) adds the lawyers and staff with the Manitoba Prosecution Service and the Public Guardian and Trustee to the list of parties that are entitled to access family proceeding files.

For more information see the full notice above. The full regulations are listed below.

NumberTitle Registered Published
68/2022Court of Queen’s Bench Rules, amendment14 Jun 202215 Jun 2022
69/2022Court of Queen’s Bench Rules, amendment14 Jun 202215 Jun 2022
70/2022Court of Queen’s Bench Rules, amendment14 Jun 202215 Jun 2022

Please note: The library will be closed on Monday, October 14th, 2024.  Regular library service will resume Tuesday, October 15th at 8:30AM.