Government News Releases

Recent Bill Activity

Government Bills


Private Bills


See here for the current status of all bills.

Legislature is adjourned until 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, November 15th or at the call of the Speaker.

126/2022Moose Conservation Closure Regulation, amendment14 Oct. 202214 Oct. 2022
127/2022Court of Appeal Rules, amendment31 Oct. 202231 Oct. 2022
128/2022Allocation of Hunting Licences Regulation, amendment3 Nov. 20223 Nov. 2022
129/2022General Hunting Regulation, amendment3 Nov. 20223 Nov. 2022
130/2022Hunting Seasons and Bag Limits Regulation, amendment3 Nov. 20223 Nov. 2022
131/2022Airport Vicinity Protection Area Regulation, amendment4 Nov. 20224 Nov. 2022
132/2022Pharmaceutical Regulation, amendment4 Nov. 20224 Nov. 2022

Regulations of Manitoba