Contents Update: Estates Trusts & Pensions Journal

Estates Trusts & Pensions Journal, Volume 42 Number 2

The latest edition of Estates Trusts & Pensions Journal has arrived and is now available for loan.

The February 2023 issue includes:

From the Law Reports:

Polly Storey, “Case Comment: Fuller v. Fuller (2023) 42:2 E.T.P.J. 103.


Mitchell McInnes, “Unjust Enrichment and Trusts: Restitution and Indemnification in Law and Equity” (2023) 42:2 E.T.P.J. 108.

Dr. Arlin Pachet, John E.S. Poyser & Ryan H.K. Gorlick, “The Impact of Alcohol on Testamentary Capacity (Installment One — The Legal Picture)” (2023) 42:2 E.T.P.J. 140.

Emily Clough & Polly Storey, “Adult Guardianship in British Columbia” (2023) 42:2 E.T.P.J. 177.

Erin Lafuente & Harkirat Teja, “Adult Guardianships and Trusteeships in Alberta” (2023) 42:2 E.T.P.J. 193.

Kimberly Visram, “Guardianships of Property and of the Person in Saskatchewan” (2023) 42:2 E.T.P.J. 204.

Anita Southall and David Thiessen, “Appointment of Guardians for Incapable Adults in Manitoba” (2023) 42:2 E.T.P.J. 212.

Christina Shum, “Guardianship of Property and of the Person in Ontario” (2023) 42:2 E.T.P.J. 221.

Christopher J. Marr, “Guardianship Appointments in New Brunswick” (2023) 42:2 E.T.P.J. 228.

Sarah M. Almon, “Adult Representation in Nova Scotia” (2023) 42:2 E.T.P.J. 234.

Barbara E. Smith, K.C. & Sean R. Seviour, “Guardianship for Property and of the Person in Prince Edward Island” (2023) 42:2 E.T.P.J. 242.

Paul Coxworthy, “Guardianship for Property and of the Person in Newfoundland and Labrador” (2023) 42:2 E.T.P.J. 249.

Interested in an electronic copy? Law Society members are welcome to email us at for a PDF of the latest legal journal articles (subject to copyright regulations).

Supreme Court of Canada Notice

January 2023 – Electronic Filing Portal

The Supreme Court of Canada has developed an e-filing portal that will make it easier to file documents. The portal will be available on January 30, 2023 through a link on the Supreme Court of Canada website. 

The e-filing portal will be the primary method for filing the electronic version of a document, including documents that are required to be bound, notwithstanding Rule 19(1)(c).   The other provisions of Rule 19 continue to apply, including the requirement to file a print version of a document within five business days of the filing of the electronic version.

The portal cannot be used for the filing of sealed and confidential documents referred to in Rule 19.1.

If the portal cannot be used or if the person filing is unable to produce an electronic version of a document, instructions are available through the portal.

The Guidelines for Preparing Documents to be filed with the Supreme Court of Canada (Print and Electronic) have been updated.

The Notice to the Profession of August 2020 is no longer in effect.

For further information, please contact the Registry at 613-996-8666 or toll free at 1-844-365-9662, or by email at

Full notice and more information are available on the Supreme Court of Canada’s Website.

The library will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Louis Riel Day. Regular hours will resume Tuesday, February 18th at 8:30 a.m.