March 1, 2023 Manitoba Government Welcomes the Start of the Spring Legislative Session – The fifth session of the 42nd legislature began on March 1 at 1:30 p.m.
Government Bills
Fourth Session, 42nd Legislature
Bill 12 The Minor Amendments and Corrections Act, 2023 – This Bill corrects typographical, numbering and other drafting errors. It also makes minor amendments to various Acts and regulations.
Private Bills
Bill 221 The Fatality Inquiries Amendment Act (Overdose Death Reporting) – “This Bill amends The Fatality Inquiries Act to require the chief medical examiner to post a report on a government website setting out the number of drug overdose deaths in Manitoba for each month. The report must also identify the type of drug that is suspected of causing or contributing to each reported death.”
Bill 222 The Public Schools Amendment Act (Nutrition Programs) – “This Bill amends The Public Schools Act to require the minister to report each year by school division and school district on the schools that provided a nutrition program during the previous fiscal year. The minister must table the report in the Assembly and make it available to the public.”
For the status of all current bills click here.