Court of King’s Bench

Change of title from Master to Associate Judge

An Act Respecting the Title of “Associate Judge” received royal assent on May 30, 2023. The Bill comes into force on September 27, 2023. The Bill amends The Court of King’s Bench Act to change the designation of judicial officers appointed under Division 2 of Part IV of the Act from “master” to “associate judge”.
In view of the amendments, necessary changes are being made to the Court of King’s Bench Rules, as well as to the website, court forms, and courthouse signage.

Provincial Court

September 12, 2023 – Courtroom 306:

With continued difficulties finding adequate facilities for court in the community, court for Oxford House will be held in Thompson.

September 11, 2023 – Oxford House (Thompson Circuit):

To accommodate the increased needs of disposition time and Mental Health Court courtroom 306 is now designated a DCD sitting on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
Motions will now only be heard on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 2:00PM in courtroom 306.
Matters from the Provincial Court counter(PCC) will continue to be heard on any 306 2:00PM docket Monday through Friday.

The library will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Louis Riel Day. Regular hours will resume Tuesday, February 18th at 8:30 a.m.