December 5, 2023 – Return to in-person appearances – Associate Judges

“There have been Notices issued by the Manitoba Court of King’s Bench Masters (as they then were), lastly on June 9, 2022, that governed practice before the Masters. This Notice will replace those previous Notices, except as otherwise specified herein, and will be in place effective January 8, 2024. This Notice does not impact any matters that, as of today’s date, have already been set to proceed, whether proceeding via teleconference, in person or otherwise. Those previously scheduled appearances, even if set to proceed virtually after January 8, 2024, will continue as currently planned.

With the exception of the associate judges’ daily uncontested lists, which will continue to proceed remotely as set out below, these changes reflect a more fulsome move back to in person hearings for all other matters set to appear before the associate judges. The court will continue to implement flexibility in appropriate circumstances, on the request of parties, and where resources allow. This Notice will apply to practices in the associate judges’ courts in every jurisdiction, except as expressly addressed below: ” (see notice for full details on Child Protection Dockets, Maintenance Enforcement Dockets, Associate Judges’ Civil and Family Uncontested List, Bankruptcy Dockets, Contested Motions, Uncontested Passing of Accounts and Hearings for Directions and Matters involving the provision of viva voce evidence).

See here for all King’s Bench Notices

The library will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Louis Riel Day. Regular hours will resume Tuesday, February 18th at 8:30 a.m.