Historical legal research is now even easier thanks to an updated legislation comparison tool from CanLII.
Users can now select two versions of an act from Federal and Provincial legislation to see what text has been changed between them. Simply click on “Versions”, choose two versions, and hit “Compare”.
Scroll through the text side by side to quickly note any differences. Text will be highlighted in red and green to show what has been removed and added.
The font and formatting of each act has also been standardized to make it easier to compare. CanLII also automatically hides any large sections of unchanged text, so scrolling and loading times are now quicker.
Try it out yourself, or learn more about this handy tool on the CanLII Blog.
Heinonline has made a couple of improvements to make searching and logging in easier.
The search box has been amalgamated into a single bar instead of split up into different categories. This will allow you to conduct a broader search in one step rather than multiple queries.
Don’t worry, the option to run a specific search is still there, it has just been integrated into the search bar with a drop down menu.
To learn more about how to use this feature, plus advanced search functions, visit this Heinonline Blog post.
For those of you that use the myHein feature, it is even easier now to log in by linking your Google account. If you are unfamiliar with myHein , it is a personal account you can use to create bookmarks, save queries, and customize your Heinonline experience. If you’re interested, see the user guide to get started.
Now available online behind the member’s portal are two titles from Emond’s Criminal Law series.
Search and Seizure by Nader Hasan, Mabel Lai, David Schermbrucker, and Randy Schwartz
“Search and Seizure provides a practical examination of the evolving body of legal rules and principles that govern how reasonable searches and seizures are conducted. In particular, it considers the increased complexity of assessing a person’s reasonable expectation of privacy in the digital age. This handbook addresses central concerns and relevant topics such as Section 487 Search Warrants, computer device searches, warrantless searches, and exclusion of evidence.”
Prosecuting and Defending Fraud Cases — 2nd edition by Grace Hession David, Ian Smith, and Jonathan Shime
“Prosecuting and Defending Fraud Cases: A Practitioner’s Handbook, 2nd Edition prepares readers to properly litigate fraud cases, examining both prosecutorial and defence perspectives. Guiding readers step by step throughout the process of a fraud case, this practical resource weaves strategic information with case law analysis and relevant provisions of the Criminal Code.
To get instant access to these titles and the rest of the Emond’s Criminal Law Series log into the Member Portal and click on Library Resources.
The Manitoba Government has released its 2021 budget which includes spending on COVID-19 relief and health care, changes to child care and education, and reducing property taxes and PST on certain retail.
The Canadian Law of Architecture and Engineering — 3rd ed.
by Beverley M. McLachlin and Arthur M. Grant
“As explained in the preface to this new volume, in the more than 25 years since the second edition of The Canadian Law of Architecture and Engineering was published, the practice and law related to architecture and engineering have changed in important ways, including “the increased mobility of architects and engineers within Canada and internationally and the legal requirements imposed on professionals from outside of the country, and the importance of addressing the environmental impact of building projects.” All of these significant changes are addressed in this third edition of The Canadian Law of Architecture and Engineering.”
Digital Commerce in Canada
by Michael Deturbide and Teresa Scassa
“Formerly known as Electronic Commerce and Internet Law in Canada, the second edition of this book won the 2013 Walter Owen Book Prize – and this new title is sure to garner praise of the same magnitude. Written by leading experts in the field, Digital Commerce in Canada provides an in-depth look at digital transactions, and in particular the contractual nature of the relationships that form the basis of those transactions. The book also provides extensive consideration of private sector data protection law and its application.”
Cross-Examination: The Pinpoint Method
by Kyla Lee
“Cross-examination is the most difficult skill to learn, and it is also the easiest to use incorrectly and ineffectively.” Avoid falling into that trap by adopting the pinpoint method of cross-examination today.”
Digital Titles
From DesLibris
Canadian Competition Law and Policy
by John S. Tyhurst
“While this book is focused on the law, the discussion also touches on topics related to the broader subject of competition policy, which deals with such matters as how competition legislation is designed and implemented, and its interplay with regulatory and other government policies that may affect the competitive market. An emerging issue in this respect is the conduct of dominant firms in digital and data-driven markets, and the extent to which competition law is equipped to address this conduct or may need to adapt or change to do so. Canadian Competition Law and Policy addresses other fascinating and challenging examples of industry structures (such as oligopolistic markets) and market conduct (such as tied selling and predatory pricing) that require a blend of business, economics, law and related disciplines for their analysis.”
We carry a number of annually updated looseleafs in many areas of law. The most recently updated titles this month are:
The Manitoba Law Library would like to acknowledge with gratitude that we are situated on Treaty One Territory, the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree and Dakota peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.
Printing and Photocopying
If you need to use the library’s printing and photocopying services you will need to create an account. See us at the front desk for assistance.