Estates Trusts & Pensions Journal, Volume 42 Number 4. August 2023
From the law reports
“Case comment on Grattan Estates” 42 ETPJ 387
“The court in Grattan Estate, Referenced the Manitoba Court of Appeal’s decision in George v. Daily, where it was stated that ‘the crucial question to be answered is whether there was a deliberate or fixed and final expression of intention as to the disposal of his or her property on death.'”
“A Coach and Four Horses: Roaming the Legislative Gap of British Columbia’s Wills Variation Regime” 42 ETPJ 394
“Alberta’s New Trustee Act” 42 ETPJ 418
“Dispositive Delusions Affecting Wills: Part One – The Legal Perspective and Challenges Posed by Definitions” 42 ETPJ 435
“Capacity assessment and litigation in estate matters frequently involve collaboration between lawyers and physicians. While ‘delusion’ is a term that appears frequently in both legal and medical work, the professions differ in their understanding of the definition.'”
For a copy of these articles, law society members can email us at to request a pdf copy.
We also have other journals available through Westlaw and Quicklaw. Here are the newest issues of popular titles.
Canadian Criminal Law Review
“The Ties That Bind Us Together: Precedent and the Role of Appellate Courts in Setting Sentencing Ranges and Starting Points” 27 Can. Crim. L. Rev. 1
“Is the Right to Counsel a Nuisance?” 27 Can. Crim. L. Rev. 37
“State Action in Action: The Charter’s Application in Criminal Investigations” 27 Can. Crim. L. Rev. 61
“Survol des Facteurs Circonstanciels Relatifs à la Possession en Matière Criminelle” 27 Can. Crim. L. Rev. 97
Canadian Journal of Law and Technology
“The Future of Data Protection Enforcement in Canada: Lessons from the GDPR”21 Can. J. L. & Tech. 1
“Slouching Toward Regulation: Assessing Bill 88 as a Solution for Workplace Surveillance Harms” 21 Can. J. L. & Tech. 23
“When Your Boss Is an Algorithm: Preserving Canadian Employment Standards in the Digital Economy” 321 Can. J. L. & Tech. 47
“The Challenge Designing Intermediary Liability Laws” 21 Can. J. L. & Tech. 67
“The Need for Cyber Resilience of Space Assets: Law and Policy Considerations of Ensuring Cybersecurity in Outer Space” 21 Can. J. L. & Tech. 99
University of Toronto Law Journal
“How Victims Matter: Rethinking the Significance of the Victim in Criminal Theory” 73 U. Toronto L.J. 263
“Rethinking Relational Architecture: Interpersonal Justice Beyond Private Law” 73 U. Toronto L.J. 293
“Flexibility, Choice, and Labour Law: The Challenge of On-Demand Platforms” 73 U. Toronto L.J. 348
“Effective immediately and until further notice, due to staff resource shortages the Provincial Court Counter phone will be open during the reduced hours of 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The counter will continue to be open for in-person appearances until 2:00 p.m.”
In our latest update, we showcase an Access to Justice initiative happening in the library. Additionally, we provide you with the latest news and articles related to this important topic.
Other highlights include remarks from the new Chief Justice, the Auditor General’s report on the Provincial Court, and decisions from FCA and MBKB responding sensitively to self-represented parties.
Searching for something and not finding any answers is unfortunate, but finding too many answers can be just as frustrating.
Most of us are familiar with performing simple searches. If you need to know something, you can just open up your favorite search engine and ask it a question. If your search results come back with thousands or hundreds of thousands of results, chances are you’ll just look at the first few hits. If you’re desperate, you go to the second page. Part of the library’s work is finding ways to perform better, more efficient searches.
Luckily there are a couple of options to help narrow those results down and make them more relevant. One way is to include Boolean Operators to create a search string that limits the search in a very specific way. But what if your search string is too long and confusing, or you don’t how how to create one? Another option is to limit those results after the search. HeinOnline has made that even easier with new Enhanced Faceting.
Facets are a really helpful way to improve a search that gives too many results. Instead of starting with a complicated search, you can limit the search results afterwards to make the list smaller. This method is important because it helps you find what you need more accurately by customizing your search. It also saves time by avoiding the need to go through a lot of irrelevant or unnecessary results. After your search, you can select filters in various categories to focus on relevant aspects, or weed out unnecessary results.
The nice thing about the HeinOnline version is that it is done in real-time so you can see how the results will be filtered.
Try it yourself next time your searching in HeinOnline. If you ever need help finding something, or would like assistance in learning how to use this, or other databases, contact us at
The Manitoba Law Library would like to acknowledge with gratitude that we are situated on Treaty One Territory, the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree and Dakota peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.
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The Great Library will be closed from December 25, 2024 to January 1, 2025 for the winter holidays. Regular office hours will resume on Thursday, January 2, 2025.