New Queen’s Bench Notice to the Profession

UPDATE: The period starts May 25th, not May 26th.

A new notice regarding the scheduling of trials due to loosening COVID-19 restrictions has been posted. This notice confirms that”all currently-scheduled criminal, civil, family and child protection trials in the Court of Queen’s Bench for the period from May 26 to the end of June 2020, will proceed.”

The March 13, 2020 Media Notice regarding access to the Law Courts is still in effect and should be consulted when attending. That notice has been attached for reference.

It also notes that: “the scheduling and hearing of pre-trials, case management meetings, case conferences, motions and JADRs will continue and, accordingly, all those services will proceed remotely by teleconference or videoconference.”

Additionally, “as of May 11, 2020, the approach for having an emergency or urgent matter heard will return to the former and longstanding process by which a request must be made to the motions coordinator.” Includes clarifications as to how it relates to the Family division.

Click here to see the full notice.

Justice Adapting – Manitoba Edition

As COVID-19 events continue to unfold and have an impact on how law is practiced and cases are heard (remotely) in court, legal professionals need timely information on the new procedures. Join LexisNexis Canada as they host:

Honourable Chief Judge Margaret Wiebe of the Provincial Court
Honourable Chief Justice Glenn Joyal Court of the Queen’s Bench
Honourable Chief Justice Richard Chartier of the Court of Appeal

During this webinar we will discuss how their courts are continuing to adapt in light of restricted operations due to COVID-19. They will provide insight into questions such as their experiences in operating virtual courtrooms, the use of judicial discretionary powers to achieve just and fair results, plans for further adaptations, technological successes and challenges, and which processes, if any, the courts will continue to adopt in the post-pandemic world.

Register here.

New Queen’s Bench Notice – Prerequisite Motions

The Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench has released a new notice regarding prerequisite motions.

Effective immediately, the Masters of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench will be resuming the hearing of motions in the Family Division relating to the completion of prerequisites.

This notice amends the previous notice on April 7th, and is in effect until May 25, 2020.

Click here to see the notice.

This notice and all previous notices regarding changes due to COVID-19 can be found here on the Manitoba Courts Website.

New Queen’s Bench Notice Family Division

May Administrative Lists, Triage/Prerequisites, Child Protection Intake and Newly Scheduled Motions and Case Conferences (April 28, 2020)

“The purpose and intent of this Notice is to provide important information to litigants and counsel in respect of the previously-announced second limitation of Court services covering the period from April 18 to May 22, 2020.”

This notice assigns matters which were cancelled from April 20 to May 22, 2020, and provides dates for Triage/Prerequisites, Child Protection Intake, and Motions and Case Conferences.

Click here to see the notice.

Consolidated legal updates from the Canadian Bar Association

The CBA has compiled a list of court notices and practice directions related to measures taken by courts across Canada for the COVID-19 situation.

Check their website here to stay up to date on all federal and provincial court notices.

Be sure to check out the other resources in their COVID-19 Resource Hub for more resources on mental health, professional development and advocacy.

Manitoba Courts Notice to the Profession

A new notice to the profession has been posted from all three courts detailing further restriction of access to the courthouses. This notice will limit the number of support persons to two per accused or victim.

It also reminds counsel to respect social distancing and maintaining a two meter gap.

To see the whole notice, please click here.

The library will be closing at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11th.  Lawyers can ask Protective Services for access after hours.