Further to our previous post on current awareness, we’d like to offer distribution of the following newsletters on criminal law:

  • Milligan’s Criminal Law Advisor (monthly)
  • Police Powers Newsletter (monthly)
  • Mack’s Criminal Law Bulletin (biweekly)
  • Segal’s Motor Vehicle and Impaired Driving Newsletter (biweekly)
  • Watt’s Criminal  Law and Evidence Newsletter (biweekly)
  • Alan D. Gold’s Criminal Law Netletter (weekly)
  • Impaired Driving Netletter (bimonthly)

If you’re interested in receiving any or all of these newsletters, please email library@lawsociety.mb.ca so we can add you to our distribution list. Please note that you must be a member of the Law Society of Manitoba in order to receive this service.


The library will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Louis Riel Day. Regular hours will resume Tuesday, February 18th at 8:30 a.m.