The Manitoba Government has proclaimed the following two acts to be in force. Two news releases highlight the new changes to access to locked-in pensions, and compensation for juries.
“Province Creates a Strong Pension Framework that Guarantees Protected, Secure and Stable Retirement Income for Manitobans” August 17, 2021
“Amendments to the Pension Benefits Act (PBA) through bill 8 and accompanying regulations will modernize the legislation and create a framework that protects individuals in times of financial hardship and provides greater and easier access to locked-in funds…”
The Pension Benefits Amendment Act (whole Act except subsection 10(1), section 11 and clause 17(a))
“Province Proclaims Legislation that Increases Juror Diversity, Allows Increase in Juror Pay” August 17, 2021
“As part of the amendments to the Jury Act, jurors will be paid for their attendance starting on the first day of a jury trial. Changes to the jury regulation under the act increase jurors’ compensation to $80 per day.”
The Court Practice and Administration Act (Various Acts Amended) (Part 6)