Reasons to Hope: Manitoba Government Presents Throne Speech November 19, 2024 – The Manitoba government was joined by members of the public and community leaders from around the province at the reading of the speech from the throne, which outlines what Manitobans can expect from their government, Premier Wab Kinew announced today.
Manitoba Government Celebrates Restorative Justice Week November 18, 2024 – The Manitoba government has proclaimed Nov. 17 to 23 as Restorative Justice Week, highlighting the accomplishments and progress of restorative justice practices in the province, Justice Minister Matt Wiebe announced today.
The Legislative Assembly of Manitoba
Second Session, Forty-Third Legislature
Government Bills
Bill 1 An Act respecting the Administration of Oaths of Office/Loi sur la prestation des serments d’entrée en fonction
Under a net-metering agreement, a customer provides electricity generated by their solar photovoltaic system to Manitoba Hydro. Manitoba Hydro must award the customer credit, measured in kilowatt-hours, that is equal to the difference between the amount of electricity the customer produced and consumed in a billing period. The credit must be applied to the customer’s future bills.
Manitoba Hydro must enter into a net-metering agreement in the following circumstances:
a customer with an existing solar photovoltaic system that meets the Act’s requirements requests to enter into such an agreement;
a customer requests approval of a proposed solar photovoltaic system and, within six months after the approval, installs the system as proposed.
Manitoba Government Unveils New Public Safety Strategy November 14, 2024 – “The Manitoba government has unveiled the new Safer Neighbourhoods, Safer Downtowns Public Safety Strategy, creating a roadmap for a safer Manitoba across all regions, Justice Minister Matt Wiebe announced today.”
Refreshed Manitoba Cabinet Moving Forward for a Hopeful Future November 13, 2024 – “One year into government, Manitoba’s Executive Council will welcome new ministers with refreshed portfolios and an entirely new department focused on bringing Manitoba into the future of technology and innovation, Premier Wab Kinew announced today. “
Speech From the Throne to be Delivered November 19 November 12, 2024 – “The Manitoba government will unveil its plans for the year ahead in a speech from the throne to be delivered Nov. 19, Premier Wab Kinew announced today.”
Manitoba Government Grants Capital Region Municipalities the Freedom to Choose November 4, 2024 – The Manitoba government is announcing further changes to the Planning Act that would give municipalities the option not to join Plan 20-50 for the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region, Municipal and Northern Relations Minister Ian Bushie announced today.
The City of Winnipeg Charter is amended to increase the sufficient number of objections from at least 25 to at least 300.
The Planning Act is amended to increase the sufficient number of objections from at least 25 to at least
300, for a municipality or planning district with a population of at least 6,000; or
the greater of 100 or 5% of the population, for a municipality or planning district with a population of fewer than 6,000.
In addition, each Act currently provides that the Municipal Board must hold a hearing when objections to a zoning by-law affecting a particular parcel of land are received from at least 50% of the land owners within 100 metres from the parcel. The provisions are repealed.
Bill 41The Provincial Court Amendment Act/Loi modifiant la Loi sur la Cour provinciale – The Provincial Court Act is amended to expand the subjects of continuing education for provincial court judges. Subjects are to include intimate partner violence, coercive control in intimate partner and family relationships and the experiences of Indigenous persons and 2SLGBTQIA+ persons.
To be eligible for appointment as a judicial justice of the peace, a candidate must agree to participate in continuing education on a number of specified subjects.
Funding for continuing education seminars established by the Chief Judge does not lapse.
The date for completing the initial regional plan for the Capital Planning Region is extended.
The obligations concerning drinking water and wastewater management plans for municipalities within the capital region are continued and are no longer dependent on membership in the Capital Planning Region.
Related amendments are made in respect to other planning regions that may be established in the future.
Executors and Trustees – Carmen S. Thériault Release #8 – September 2024
What’s New?
Amendments and updates to the commentary in Chapter 2 (Assets); Chapter 4 (Expenses and Legal Costs); Chapter 5 (Bequests and Beneficiaries); Chapter 14 (Passing Accounts), and Chapter 17 (Dependents’ Relief Claims and Spousal Property on Death).
The Law of Bail in Canada – Hon. Gary T. Trotter Release #8 – September 2024
What’s New?
Updates to Chapter 8 “Bail Reviews”. Appendix A “Criminal Code Provisions Relating to Bail”, Appendix B “Bail Act 1976 (U.K.)”, and Appendix C “Rules of Court Respecting Bail Pending Appeal”, have been updated to bring the provisions up to date.
Manitoba King’s Bench Rules Annotated – Jonathan M. Woolley (founding author: Karen Busby) Release #8 – September 2024
What’s New?
Updated annotations, checklists, and legislation updates.
Judicial Review of Administrative Action in Canada – Donald J.M. Brown et al. Release #3 – October 2024
What’s New?
Updates to the case law and commentary in the following chapters: 1 (Judicial Review Jurisdiction), 2 (The Application for Judicial Review), 3 (Discretionary Bars to Judicial Review), 4 (Parties to a Judicial Review Proceeding), 5 (Commencement of Judicial Review Proceedings), 6 (Interlocutory Proceedings, perfection and Orders), and 7 (The Duty of Fairness: Its Scope and Content).
The Regulation of Professions in Canada – James T. Casey Release #8 – October 2024
What’s New?
Updates to the case law and commentary in Chapter 2 to 8.
The Manitoba Law Library would like to acknowledge with gratitude that we are situated on Treaty One Territory, the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree and Dakota peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.
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