HeinOnline has added a new feature that helps users organize their most used databases and items. Users can now mark their favorite databases so they show up first on their home page.
You will need to create your own MyHein Account which is separate from your Law Society account but will stack with the Library’s access to HeinOnline. Your account will also give you the ability to bookmark, save queries, and create alerts. Find out more by reading the MyHein User Guide.
While your there, you can also check out the new journals added to HeinOnline this month. Including; Dublin Law & Politics Review, Emory Law Journal Online, European Journal of Privacy Law & Technologies, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, Journal of Contemporary Public Law, Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations, Journal of School Violence, Police Practice and Research, and Women and Criminal Justice.
The library has received a number of new online and print journal issues.
These journals have been added to LexisAdvance Quicklaw. Articles can be requested from the library following proper copyright restrictions. Email library@lawsociety.mb.ca for access.
Criminal Law Quarterly Vol. 68. No. 3
Criminal Appeals in the Supreme Court of Canada and Federal Criminal Law Amendments 68 C.L.Q. 240 Kent W. Roach
Canada, China and Criminal Justice 68 C.L.Q. 236 Kent W. Roach
Privacy, Voyeurism, and Statutory Interpretation 68 C.L.Q. 289 Kent W. Roach
Unveiling the Mechanisms Behind Judicial Responses to De Minimis Claims in Trial-Level Assault Cases 68 C.L.Q. 249 Kent W. Roach
Constitutional and Quasi-Constitutional Privacy Protections: In Defence of a Heightened Expectation of Privacy for Young Persons Participating in the Digital World 68 C.L.Q. 362 Kent W. Roach
Public Confidence in the Administration of Justice 68 C.L.Q. 309 Kent W. Roach
Looks Can Be Deceiving: The Irrelevance of Demeanour in Witness Assessments 68 C.L.Q. 346 Kent W. Roach
Evaluating Drug-Impaired Drivers Using the Drug Evaluation and Classification Program (DECP) in Canada 68 C.L.Q. 320 Kent W. Roach
National Journal of Constitutional Law Vol 40
The Powers of the CSE after C-59: Are Privacy Rights at Risk? 40 Nat’l J. Const. L. 131 Stephanie Williams
Clarifying the Matter: Modernizing Peace, Order, and Good Government in the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act Appeals 40 Nat’l J. Const. L. 153 Nathalie J. Chalifour, Peter Oliver, Taylor Wormington
Medical Assistance in Dying after Carter: Developing a “Trialogue Theory” Framework 40 Nat’l J. Const. L. 111 Sarah Gupta
The new issue of Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal is now available in print at the library. PDF scans of articles can also be requested.
Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal Vol. 22 No. 2, 2020
Fixing the Broken Law of Termination Clauses 22 C.L.E.L.J. 143 Stephan J. Moreau
Labour Rights Arbitration in Canada: An Empirical Investigation of Efficiency and Delay in a Changed Legal Environment 22 C.L.E.L.J. 231 Kevin Banks, Richard Chayowski & George Slotsve
Demystifying the Employee Fiduciary Identify 22 C.L.E.L.J. 281 Jonathan Shepard
HeinOnline has added a number of new journals to its database. To access these and other journals, log-in through the Member’s Portal and click on the Law Journal Library.
Admiralty Record Vols. 1-6 (2013-2018)
American Journal of BioethicsFull Text: Vols. 1-14 (2001-2014), Indexed: Vols. 1-20#8 (2001-2020)
Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal JusticeFull Text: Vols. 1-12 (2003-2014) Indexed: Vols. 1-18#3 (2003-2020)
Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody, and Child Development (JFT)—formerly the Journal of Child CustodyTitle Varies: Vols. 1-16 (2004-2019) as Journal of Child CustodyFull Text: Vols. 1-11 (2004-2014) Indexed: Vols. 1-17#2 (2004-2020)
Journal of Law & Innovation Vols. 1-3 (2019-2020)
Revista de Bioetica y Derecho (Journal of Bioethics and Law) Vols. 1-50 (2004-2020)
Wrongful Conviction Law Review Vol. 1#1 (2020)
If you are interested in what other resources have been added to HeinOnline this month check out this blog post.
The latest edition of Estates Trusts & Pensions Journal has arrived and is now available for loan.
The current issue, Volume 39 Number 4, August 2020 includes:
It has been Over 150 Years Since the First Partnership Act was Enacted. Do We Understand Yet The Nature of a Partnership Interest? The High Court of Australia Weighs in on the debate, by Joel Nitikman.
“Not a Case about a Mere Referral”: Reflections on Salomon v. Matte-Thompson, by Lauren Flam
Another Cautionary Tale for Executors: Case Comment on Muth Estate, by Rhonda M. Johnson
Equality, Equity, and Exclusion: The Effect of the Jackson Estate Decision on Common Law Partners, by Richard Niedermayer and Madeleine Coats
Digital Assets, Cryptocurrencies and Estate Planning, byAaron Grinhaus, Amanda Rosenstock and Raluca Soica
Who Gets What, and When?, by Ari Kaplan
Section 58 – The “Curative” Provision of the Wills, Estates and Succession Act, by Scott Boucher
If you would like a copy of any of these articles, please email library@lawsociety.mb.ca and we would be happy to provide a pdf version (subject to copyright regulations).
New issues of the following journals are now available through WestlawNext Canada. If you would like to read any of these articles, or if you are interested in any other publications we offer, please contact us for assistance at library@lawsociety.mb.ca.
University of Toronto Law Journal
Fifty Years Later: The Legacy of the 1969 Criminal Law Reforms, 70 U. Toronto L.J. 223 Brenda Cossman
Angela Fernandez, Pierson v. Post, the Hunt for the Fox: Law and Professionalization in American Legal Culture (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2018) 70 U. Toronto L.J. 382 Philip Girard
The 1969 Criminal Amendments: Constituting the Terms of Gay Resistance 70 U. Toronto L.J. 245 Brenda Cossman
The Gross Indecency of Criminalizing HIV Non-Disclosure 70 U. Toronto L.J. 263 Kyle Kirkup
Homosexuality and Prostitution: A Tale of Two Deviancies 70 U. Toronto L.J. 283 Ummni Khan
Treaty Failure or Treaty Constitutionalism? The Problematic Validity of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement 70 U. Toronto L.J. 306 Christa Scholtz
In Search of Honourable Crowns and Legitimate Constitutions: Mikisew Cree First Nation v Canada and the Colonial Constitution 70 U. Toronto L.J. 341 Joshua Nichols , Robert Hamilton
‘Repugnant’: Homosexuality and Criminal Family Law 70 U. Toronto L.J. 225 Robert Leckey
Book Reviews
Angela Fernandez, Pierson v. Post, the Hunt for the Fox: Law and Professionalization in American Legal Culture(Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2018)
Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law
Force and Law and Their Relationship as a Governance Continuum 14 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 283 Hon. Jean-Jacques Blais
Jurisprudence 14 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 423 Gregory Tardi
Dare to Ask: “What Is Democracy?” Directed by Astra Taylor 14 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 459 Julia Deutsch
Democratic Governing on the Knife’s Edge 14 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 261 Gregory Tardi
Review of Lori Hausegger, Matthew Hennigar, and Troy Riddell Canadian Courts: Law, Politics, and Process, 2d ed (Don Mills: Oxford University Press, Canada, 2015) 14 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 439 Michael A. Crystal
Inclusion of Provincial Governments as “Third Parties” in Federal Campaigns 14 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 345 Colin Hoult
“Blood Sport”: The Struggle for Political Party Transparency in Ontario 14 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 367 Terry D. Hancock
Taming the Power to Prorogue Parliament 14 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 415 B. Thomas Hall
When Is Executive Lawmaking Constitutional in Canada? 14 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 383 Major Ed Cottrill
Crise du Covid et Fonctionnement Démocratique: Illustration Avec le Système Français Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law 14 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 277 Marion Rebière
Book Reviews
Special Literature Section: Spotlight on Publications by Ian Greene 14 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 443 Gregory Tardi
Review of: Honest Politics Now: What Ethical Conduct Means in Canadian Public Life Ian Greene and David P. Shugarman (Toronto: Lorimer and Company, 2017) 14 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 449 Gregory Tardi
Review of: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: 30+ Years of Decisions That Shape Canadian Life Ian Greene (Toronto: Lorimer and Company, 2014) 14 J. Parliamentary & Pol. L. 445 Gregory Tardi
Review of: Beverley McLachlin: The Legacy of a Supreme Court Chief Justice Ian Greene and Peter McCormick (Toronto: Lorimer and Company, 2019)
Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence
Private Law’s Estranged Bedfellows: Why Pashukanis Should Worry Contemporary Formalists 33 Can. J.L. & Juris. 461 Igor Shoikhedbrod
Categories, Balancing, and Fake News: The Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights 33 Can. J.L. & Juris. 435 Alessio Sardo
Governmental-Funded Religious Associations and Non-Discrimination Rules: On Immunity and Public Funding Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 33 Can. J.L. & Juris. 341 Nahshon Perez
Distributive Justice in the Age of Climate Change 33 Can. J.L. & Juris. 263 Elkanah O. Babatunde
The Unavoidability of Evaluation for Interest Theories of Rights 33 Can. J.L. & Juris. 293 Mark McBride
Judicial Discretion as a Result of Systemic Indeterminacy 33 Can. J.L. & Juris. 369 Sebastián A. Reyes Molina
A Dynamic Judicial Approach to Diachronic Legislative Integrity 33 Can. J.L. & Juris. 481 Michaël Lessard
Fairness in Allocations of Parental Responsibilities, and the Limits of Law 33 Can. J.L. & Juris. 397 Ram Rivlin
Two Accounts of International Tax Justice 33 Can. J.L. & Juris. 317 Ivan Ozai
Book Reviews
Legal Directives and Practical Reasons by Noam Gur 33 Can. J.L. & Juris. 493 Luigi Lonardo
Check here for the HeinOnline Blog for summaries of all these titles, as well as their tip of the month and a feature on their Law Journal Library LibGuide.
New issues of the following journals are now available through WestlawNext Canada. If you would like to read any of these articles, or if you are interested in any other publications we offer, please contact us for assistance at library@lawsociety.mb.ca.
Journal of Environmental Law and Practice Vol. 33
Climate Litigation and the Class Action Mechanism–The Potential Role of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, by Rudiger Tscherning,
Breaking Ranks (and Precedent): Reference re Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, 2020 ABCA 74, by Martin Olszynski , Nigel Bankes , Andrew Leach
Business as Usual?: The Limited Influence of Climate Change Disclosure and Fiduciary Duties on the Low-Carbon Investment Practices of Canada’s Big 10 Public Pension Funds, by Brandon D. Stewart
Education and Law Journal Vol. 29
Big Data, Privacy, and Education Applications, by Priscilla M. Regan, Jane Bailey
Interest Arbitration at the Central Table in the Education Sector, by Kristen Allen
Violence in Alberta’s Urban Schools: The Perspectives of School Resource Officers, by G. Abela, J.K. Donlevy
Rethinking McKinney: To What Extent Should Universities Be Charter-Free Zones?, by Kenneth Wm. Thornicroft
The Minister Must “Opt Out”: Ontario Lacks Authority to Make Ancillary Fees Optional at Colleges and Universities, by Emily Lewsen
Public Universities, Speech Policies, and the Law: Fourteen Maxims, by Bruce Pardy
Accommodating the Commute and the Bumps Along the Way Consequences of Silence: Arbitrator Finds Just Cause to Discipline Teacher for Declining to Answer School Board’s Investigation Questions, by Alec Stromdahl
Canadian Journal of Law and Society Vol. 35
Racialized, Gendered, and Sensationalized: An Examination of Canadian Anti-Trafficking Laws, Their Enforcement, and Their (Re)presentation, by Hayli Millar, Tamara O’Doherty,
Sites of Resistance: LGBTQI+ Experiences at Trinity Western University, by Heather Shipley
Play-by-Play Justice: Tweeting Criminal Trials in the Digital Age, by Tamara A. Small , Kate Puddister
Constitutional Law and Abortion in Saskatchewan: The Freedom of Informed Choice (Abortions) Act, by Sarah Burningham
La Relation Entre le Judiciaire et les Victimes Dans le Contexte de la Détermination de la Peine au Canada: Un Enjeu Pour L’Évolution Du Droit Criminel, by Sébastien Labonté
Récits de Justice et Office du Juge en Chine, by Hélène Piquet
Book Reviews:
Kent Roach, Canadian Justice, Indigenous Injustice: The Gerald Stanley and Colten Boushie Case. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019. 307 Pp., by Benjamin L. Berger,
Dan Kaminski et Philippe Mary (Dir.), La Société des Captifs. Une Étude D’Une Prison de Sécurité Maximale. Bruxelles: Larcier, 2019, 334 P., Traduction Augmentée de Gresham M. Sykes, The Society of Captives. A Study of a Maximum Security Prison. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1958, by Sophie De Saussure
McGill Law JournalVol. 64
Who’s Afraid of the Lucky Moose? Canada’s Dangerous Self-Defence Innovation, by Noah Weisbord
Judicial Audiences: A Case Study of Justice David Watt’s Literary Judgments, by Elaine Craig
Property Law and Collective Self-Government, by Malcolm Lavoie
Le Droit à L’Égalité et L’Accès Aux Professions Réglementées: Bilan Contrasté de la Jurisprudence Canadienne, by Frédérick Doucet, Geneviève St-Laurent
Book Review:
Familles, Inégalités et Droit Dans un Espace Mondialisé, Recension Critique de Daphna Hacker, Legalized Families in the Era of Globalization (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017),Pp 386. ISBN 9781316535004, by Ivana Isailović
Canadian Journal of Law and TechnologyVol. 18
Can PIPEDA ‘Face’ the Challenge? An Analysis of the Adequacy of Canada’s Private Sector Privacy Legislation Against Facial Recognition Technology, by Tunca Bolca
Developing Privacy Best Practices for Direct-to-Public Legal Apps: Observations and Lessons Learned, by Teresa Scassa, Amy Salyzyn, Jena McGill, Suzanne Bouclin
Reflections on the Influence of Social Media on Judging, by Peter D. Lauwers
Searches of the Person: A New Approach to Electronic Device Searches at Canadian Customs, by Justin Doll
Case Comment: British Columbia (Attorney General) v. Brecknell, by David TS Fraser
A Better Act, More Bad Behaviour Online: Nova Scotia’s New Intimate Images and Cyber-Protection Act Goes to Court, by Jennifer Taylor
Book reviews:
The Long Journey to Software Valuation: Risks and Rewards Ahead By Dwight Olson (San Diego: Truman Enamels, 2020), Softcover, 198 Pages, ISBN: 978-1-7344129-0-1. Available at Amazon.com, by Duncan C. Card
Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law Vol. 13
Reflections on Canadian Electioneering, by Gregory Tardi
A Novel and Necessary Remedy, by Gregory Tardi
Enhancing Canada’s Democracy without Electoral Reform, by Connor Macorin
Including Emerging Litigation Comprenant les Litiges en Voie de Développement, by Gregory Tardi, DJur.
The Ultimate Dilemma of Democracy, Gregory Tardi
Book Reviews:
Review of: Vernon Bogdanor Beyond Brexit: Towards a British Constitution (2019 I.B. Tauris, London), by Steven Chaplin
Review of: Patrick Malcolmson, Richard Myers, Gerald Baier, and Thomas M.J. Bateman the Canadian Regime: An Introduction to Parliamentary Government in Canada 6th Edition (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016), by Nancy McCormack
These newly updated journals are also available with open access on CanLII.org.
McGill Journal of Law and Health Vol. 14
End-of-Life Care for Federally Incarcerated Individuals in Canada, by Adelina Iftene and Jocelyn Downie
Asper Review of International Business and Trade LawVol. 19
Liberalizing the Investment Canada Act: Striking the Right Balance between Investment and Economic Security, by Trevor Neiman
How WTO Jurisprudence Can Help Resolve Interpretive Uncertainties Generated by Canada’s Domestic Free Trade Agreements, Ryan Manucha
Long Live the Delaware Supreme Court Decisions in Smith v Van Gorkom, Auerbach v Bennett, and Zapata v Maldonaldo!: Whether the Business Judgment Rule Should Apply in Nigeria, by Olumide Obayemi
Business-to-Business Electronic Communication in Canada: Reforming Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation, by Maryia Kuzura
The Applicability of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act to De-Indexing Internet Search Engine Results, by Jessica Pushka
Analysis of Global Regulatory Schemes on Chance-Based Microtransactions, by Anthony Wen-Tsun Wong
Unravelling Smart Contracts: Smart Contracts and the Law of Rescission in Canada, by Andrew Luesley
A Role for ECOWAS in Addressing the Challenges of Ineffective Regulation of Transnational Oil Corporations in Nigeria, by Rahina Zarma
RegTech and SupTech for Robo-Advisers: Alternative Regulatory Methods for Enhancing Compliance, by Ihsan Ibrahim Daldaban
The Hate Speech Debate: The Supreme Court, the Federal Government, and the Need for Civil Hate Speech Provisions,by Lauren E Scharfstein
Saskatchewan Law ReviewVol. 83
The Non-Abdication Rule in Canadian Constitutional Law, by Felix Hoehn
The Duty to Negotiate and the Ethos of Reconciliation, by Mark Mancini
Book reviews:
High Time: The Legalization and Regulation of Cannabis in Canada Edited by Andrew Potter and Daniel Weinstock. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press 2019. 234 Pp., $22.95 Pb., by Owen Pennock
Flawed Precedent: The St. Catherine’s Case and Aboriginal Title by Kent McNeil. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2019. 334 Pp., $27.95 Pb., by Kylee Wilyman
Privacy in Peril: Hunter v Southam and the Drift from Reasonable Search Protections by Richard Jochelson & David Ireland. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2019.244 Pp., $27.95 Pb., by Evan Best
Renewing Relationships: Indigenous Peoples and Canada Edited by Karen Drake & Brenda L. Gunn. Saskatoon: Wiyasiwewin Mikiwahp Native Law Centre, 2019. 386 Pp., $65.00 Pb., by Travis W. Smith
Implicating the System: Judicial Discourses in the Sentencing of Indigenous Women by Elspeth Kaiser-Derrick. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2019. 406 Pp., $34.95 Pb., by Danielle Nichols
Punished for Aging: Vulnerability, Rights, and Access to Justice in Canadian Penitentiaries by Adelina Iftene. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2019. 245 Pp., $24.71 Pb., by Miranda Wardman
Criminal Trials and Mental Disorders by Thomas L. Hafemeister. New York: New York University Press, 2019. 384 Pp., US$35.00 Pb., by Everhett Zoerb
The Jury Crisis: What’s Wrong with Jury Trials and How We Can Save Them by Drury R. Sherrod. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2019. 170 Pp., $34.00 Hc., by Kennedy Morrow
The Manitoba Law Library would like to acknowledge with gratitude that we are situated on Treaty One Territory, the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree and Dakota peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.
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