Notice – All Hearings of the Court of Appeal will be conducted remotely starting January 4, 2022 until further notice (December 20, 2021). This notice replaces the previously issued notice dated August 10, 2021.
As a result of the modelling for the COVID-19 Omicron variant, starting on Tuesday, January 4, 2022:
All appeals will be heard remotely by videoconference; and
All motions or applications will be heard remotely by teleconference.”
For in-custody criminal appeal, motion or application hearings, special procedures are required in order to ensure that the accused can participate in the hearing.
See the full notice for information on how to access a videoconference appeal hearing, and how to access a teleconference motion or application hearing.
The Court of Appeal has released a new notice to the profession that articling students-at-law are no longer permitted to appear as counsel to argue a substantive appeal. An articling student may appear in a chambers matter where the presiding chambers judge grants permission. See below for the full notice.
“As of January 1, 2022, amendments to The Court of Appeal Act, CCSM c C240, will be proclaimed into force. The new sections, sections 25.1 and 25.2, govern appeals to the Court from decisions of the Court of Queen’s Bench.
The new sections provide that no appeal may be made to the Court of Appeal with respect to an interlocutory order of a judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench unless leave to appeal is granted by a judge or the Court. Leave to appeal is not required:
(a) in a proceeding involving: (i) the liberty of a person; or (ii) the custody of a minor. (b) if the order grants or declines to grant a stay or an interlocutory injunction.”
All levels of the Manitoba courts have issued a notice regarding the easing of restrictions in the new public health order. These changes are still being reviewed and until further notice those attending the laws courts will still be required to follow protocol including initial screening conducted by sheriffs officers, wearing of masks, appropriate social distancing and sanitation measures.
Additionally, “precautions will be put in place by Sheriff Services, which includes enhanced COVID screening questions and temperature screening for all members of the public and court stakeholders, including counsel,upon entry to the Law Courts Building.”
Notice – COVID-19 – Update (November 2, 2020) – Explains new precautions by Sheriff Services. “will continue to hear both in custody and out of custody matters in all of the major court centres and the circuits which remain open. All existing protocols remain in force.” It will also be reassessing protocols on a weekly basis.
Following a previous notice, courts will not be re-opening in God’s Lake Narrows in October. They will also not be re-opening in Garden Hill for local reasons.
The courts will re-turn to sitting in Altona, Arborg, Ashern and Lundar, and is sitting in Easterville. There is no confirmed date for Pukatawagan.
Beginning October 1, 2020, the Provincial Court of Manitoba will hear in-custody and out of custody trials and out of custody dispositions in the communities of: Altona, Arborg, Ashern, and Lundar.
Health protocols are in effect in these areas and the courts are asking any one with symptoms to not come to court. More details and updates are included in the full notice.
Under the new Manitoba Health protocol, those that have come into contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19 while in the courts will now be notified. Members of the profession will not be informed of every potential exposure in the courthouse. A reminder that masks are required at all time while in the courthouse, except, when in a courtroom, the presiding judge stipulates otherwise.
The Manitoba Law Library would like to acknowledge with gratitude that we are situated on Treaty One Territory, the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree and Dakota peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.
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