The Provincial Court of Manitoba has posted a new notice to the profession here which states that “the Provincial Court of Manitoba will reopen court proceedings on a staged and incremental basis beginning June 1, 2020”
There will still be limitations and restrictions in place, detailed in an attached notice with safety and cleaning procedures.
Out-of-custody matters will begin to be heard in the six major court centres, Brandon, Dauphin, Portage la Prairie, The Pas, Thompson and Winnipeg.
As of May 19, those dealing with Provincial Offences Act ticket offences may deal with guilty pleas with an explanation by teleconference.
Additionally, “The circuit courts which require the court party to fly into the community will not sit during June” and “All other circuit court locations throughout Manitoba are further suspended for the month of June.”
Finally, “Case management conferences will continue as scheduled and may be conducted by teleconference.”
A new notice has been posted here regarding the Winnipeg uncontested civil motions list during the summer court recess from June 29 to September 7, 2020.
The civil uncontested list will sit Wednesdays and Fridays and operate by teleconference commencing at 10:00a.m.
For the call-in number and other details please see this notice and previous notices posted on the Manitoba Courts website.
A new notice has been posted here that addresses changes to the previous notices of March 17, April 7, and April 24.
“all currently scheduled civil and family motions, and references set to proceed before the masters on or after May 25, 2020, will proceed, remotely wherever possible…”
The notice also notes changes that:
Child Protection Dockets are gradually moving back from the suspension of the 60 day docket rule.
Regular masters’ uncontested lists will resume daily operation effective Tuesday May 19, 2020, for previously adjourned motions, and May 25, 2020, for new motions. This changes the April 24, 2020 notice which was to be in effect until May 25, 2020.
Commencing the week of May 11, 2020, matters which were previously adjourned through and including May 22, can be scheduled to appear returnable on the masters’ daily uncontested lists which will resume Tuesday, May 19, 2020.
Bankruptcy dockets will resume after May 25, 2020, proceeding remotely with allowance for the trustee’s representative to appear in person.
With the exception of any scheduled viva voce reference hearings that had been adjourned, all adjourned matters, including hearings for directions, may be rescheduled to proceed remotely.
Special notes and modifications for Brandon Centre as well as the Dauphin, Portage la Prairie, and Morden Centres are also given.
A new notice regarding the scheduling of trials due to loosening COVID-19 restrictions has been posted. This notice confirms that”all currently-scheduled criminal, civil, family and child protection trials in the Court of Queen’s Bench for the period from May 26 to the end of June 2020, will proceed.”
The March 13, 2020 Media Notice regarding access to the Law Courts is still in effect and should be consulted when attending. That notice has been attached for reference.
It also notes that: “the scheduling and hearing of pre-trials, case management meetings, case conferences, motions and JADRs will continue and, accordingly, all those services will proceed remotely by teleconference or videoconference.”
Additionally, “as of May 11, 2020, the approach for having an emergency or urgent matter heard will return to the former and longstanding process by which a request must be made to the motions coordinator.” Includes clarifications as to how it relates to the Family division.
As COVID-19 events continue to unfold and have an impact on how law is practiced and cases are heard (remotely) in court, legal professionals need timely information on the new procedures. Join LexisNexis Canada as they host:
Speakers: Honourable Chief Judge Margaret Wiebe of the Provincial Court Honourable Chief Justice Glenn Joyal Court of the Queen’s Bench Honourable Chief Justice Richard Chartier of the Court of Appeal
During this webinar we will discuss how their courts are continuing to adapt in light of restricted operations due to COVID-19. They will provide insight into questions such as their experiences in operating virtual courtrooms, the use of judicial discretionary powers to achieve just and fair results, plans for further adaptations, technological successes and challenges, and which processes, if any, the courts will continue to adopt in the post-pandemic world.
The Manitoba Law Library would like to acknowledge with gratitude that we are situated on Treaty One Territory, the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree and Dakota peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.
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