New Tools from HeinOnline is a small legal publisher with a big footprint, and it keeps getting bigger.

Heinonline has added another database to its Social Justice Suite with the  Open Society Justice Initiative Database.

The Open Society Justice Initiative is part of the Open Society Foundations. Established in 2003, the Foundation provides expert legal support through strategic human rights litigation and other legal work.

This database is updated continuously with over 300 current titles. With reports, handbooks, briefing papers, legal and policy submissions, and fact sheets exploring and advocating on issues of human rights and justice.

For more information check the blog post, or for full details see the LibGuide.

PathFinder: A Suite of Multidisciplinary Browse and Search Tools

HeinOnline has just added another research tool to make finding by subjects easier and more intuitive.

Subjects are now grouped in a hierarchy of categories letting users easily browse for what they are looking for. Learn more about how to use this new feature here, or take a look at the video below.

Latest edition of Ruby on Sentencing

We now have the latest edition of the authoritative text on sentencing by Clayton Ruby available for loan.

Sentencing — 10th ed. by Clayton Ruby

“For over 30 years, this book has set forth sentencing principles and analyses in order to help criminal defence lawyers formulate effective submissions to sentencing judges. Sentencing, regarded by many as “the sentencing bible”, canvasses the law of sentencing in a way that no other books on criminal law and sentencing are able: it succinctly outlines all of the significant facets of sentencing principles and procedure, and provides the reader with a comprehensive range of sentencing for various offences.”

New Journals from Emerald Publishing added to HeinOnline!

HeinOnline has added several new journal titles from Emerald Publishing to the Law Journal Library. This includes full text for all past issues of the journals, excluding the 2 most recent years, which are indexed only. Take a look at what these new titles offer.

International Journal of Law and Management – “International Journal of Law and Management (IJLMA) is a leading journal addressing all aspects of regulation and law as they impact on organizational development, operations and leadership. Organizations and their leaders operate in an increasingly complex world of emerging regulation across national and international boundaries. International Journal of Law and Management seeks to acknowledge the dynamics of that environment and provide a platform for articles and contributions to stimulate scholarly debate in the development of law and practice.”

Journal of Financial Crime – “The journal’s articles are authored by some of the leading international scholars and practitioners in the fields of law, criminology, economics, criminal justice and compliance. Consequently, articles are perceptive, evidence based and have policy impact.”

Journal of International Trade Law and Policy – “an international journal receptive, but not limited, to the methods of economics, law, and the social sciences. As scholars tend to read individual articles of particular interest to them, rather than an entire issue, authors are not required to write with full accessibility to readers from all disciplines within the purview of the Journal. However, interdisciplinary communication should be fostered where possible. Thus economists can utilize quantitative methods (including econometrics and statistics), while legal scholars and political scientists can invoke specialized techniques and theories. Appendices are encouraged for more technical material.”

Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law – “publishes original legal research contributions for the benefit of scholars, policy makers and practitioners in these areas, including those operating in the fields of legal practice, housing and planning. International in scope and with a commitment to comparative legal studies, the journal publishes scholarly legal articles dealing with the application of law in these areas as well as theoretical and policy orientated research.”

Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management – “provides expert discussion, analysis and strategies to achieve greater effectiveness in police management and law enforcement. Publishing peer-reviewed research articles and case studies, the journal provides a truly global and comparative perspective on policing.”

Upcoming titles include Research in Law and Economics and Studies in Law, Politics, and Society. For full access log in to the Member’s Portal.

Improve your results with search tips from HeinOnline and CanLII

How to search the catalog

Tip of the Week: How to Search the Catalog

HeinOnline has a large collection with multiple ways of searching so it can sometimes be difficult to know if your search is getting the results you are looking for. This tip explains how users can search the actual catalog records for a thorough result. Searching the catalog is a little different that doing a broad search as it uses the Machine Readable Coding used to identify each item.

Check the tip to see simple one-box search methods, or dive deeper into advanced searches. You can even take a look at the Catalog Subjects tool to browse through subject headings.

A guide to using search filters on CanLII

CanLII Pro Tip: A Guide to Using Search Filters on CanLII

CanLII is another resource with a large database. Typing in a simple keyword or phrase can bring up thousands of results. One method to narrow that down is to use filters. This tip gives a great overview of how to limit results for cases, legislation, and commentary by using filters like jurisdiction, dates, and subjects.

Still can’t find what you are looking for? Email us at and we can help you with using these resources or track down what you’re looking for.

Improved Functions for Heinonline

Heinonline has made a couple of improvements to make searching and logging in easier.

The search box has been amalgamated into a single bar instead of split up into different categories. This will allow you to conduct a broader search in one step rather than multiple queries.

Don’t worry, the option to run a specific search is still there, it has just been integrated into the search bar with a drop down menu.

To learn more about how to use this feature, plus advanced search functions, visit this Heinonline Blog post.

For those of you that use the myHein feature, it is even easier now to log in by linking your Google account. If you are unfamiliar with myHein , it is a personal account you can use to create bookmarks, save queries, and customize your Heinonline experience. If you’re interested, see the user guide to get started.

For this month’s new additions, including other features and updated content, take a look at the March 2021 Content Release Summary.

Finding On-Point Articles Using HeinOnline

Guest post by Melanie R. Bueckert, Legal Research Counsel – Manitoba Court of Appeal

I am very thankful for all of the excellent resources that the Great Library provides through our Law Society Member Portal.  My gratitude has increased greatly during the pandemic, while I have been unable to access the law school’s library.  While I often use HeinOnline to locate articles that I have already determined are relevant to my research, I hesitate to run searches of their databases, as the volume of results can be overwhelming.  However, in at least two cases in the past few months, my research has been improved substantially by their “More Like This” feature.  In case you haven’t used it yet, I will walk you through the very simple process.

Once you have located a relevant article in HeinOnline, look at the top of the document for the “More Like This” button.  Click it.  It will bring you to a list of results related to your article.  If you find that they are not particularly helpful, you can tweak the “Interesting Words” weighting on the left-hand side of the screen or remove some of those words.  You can also enter a new filtering term in the “Enter new term” box underneath the “Interesting Words”.  You can also limit your results by date range.

According to HeinOnline:

More Like This uses a program which finds ‘interesting words’ in an article, as determined by an algorithm that analyzes the article’s text. …

More Like This compares all articles in HeinOnline and ranks them in order based on which articles’ interesting words are most similar to the first article. Results include the top 50 most relevant articles available in HeinOnline.

See More Like This in HeinOnline for more information on this very useful feature.

Maximize your searching with HeinOnline Tips

HeinOnline – available behind the member’s portal

This online resource is a great stop for periodicals, statutes, and reporting series. Navigating the large content it offers can be tricky however. The HeinOnline Blog offers a few tips every month to help find what you are looking for, as well as keeping you updated with new features and content. Here are a few highlights from the last month.

Tip of the Week: Navigating within Titles, Volumes, Sections, and Pages – “learn how to navigate HeinOnline’s titles, volumes, sections, and individual pages.”

Tip of the Week: How to Use ScholarCheck – Learn how analyze the most-cited journals, papers, and authors. Use this feature to find the most cited and accessed document.

New Topic Taxonomy Brings “Categories” and “Subjects” into the HeinOnline Mix – Narrow down your search results with a multi-level taxonomy sorting system.

New Case Citation Alert for Authors! – Stay up to date with alerts whenever your favorite author has new content, has their works cited, or even similar content to their work has been added.

The library will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Louis Riel Day. Regular hours will resume Tuesday, February 18th at 8:30 a.m.